Applescript to batch convert Excel files to PDF (or Automator)

I need to translate hundreds of Xcel files to PDF. I have been trying stuff but with no result. Does anybody have a script handy I can get?


tell application "Finder"
	set theItems to selection
	repeat with itemRef in theItems
		set theItemParentPath to (container of itemRef) as text
		set theItemName to (name of itemRef) as string
		set theItemExtension to (name extension of itemRef)
		set theItemExtensionLength to (count theItemExtension) + 1
		set theOutputPath to theItemParentPath & (text 1 thru (-1 - theItemExtensionLength) of theItemName)
		set newfile to theOutputPath & ".pdf"
		set oldfile to theItemParentPath & theItemName
		if theItemExtension is "pptx" then
			my savePowerPointAsPDF(oldfile as text, newfile as text)
			delay 1
		else if theItemExtension is "docx" then
			my saveDocxAsPDF(oldfile as text, newfile as text)
			delay 1
		else if theItemExtension is "xlsx" or theItemExtension is "xlsm" or theItemExtension is "xls" then
			my saveXlsxAsPDF(oldfile as text, newfile as text)
			delay 1
		else if theItemExtension is "pdf" then
			display dialog "already pdf"
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

on savePowerPointAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)
	set f to documentPath as alias -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the open command
	tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
		open f
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process "Microsoft PowerPoint"
				set visible to false
			end tell
		end tell
		set PDFPath to my createEmptyFile(PDFPath) -- the handler return a file object (this line must be inside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the saving command)
		delay 0.5
		save active presentation in PDFPath as save as PDF
		delay 0.5
		close active presentation saving no
	end tell
end savePowerPointAsPDF

on createEmptyFile(f)
	do shell script "touch " & quoted form of POSIX path of f -- create file (this command do nothing when the PDF file exists)
	delay 1
	return (POSIX path of f) as POSIX file
end createEmptyFile

on saveDocxAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)
	set f to documentPath as alias -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the open command
	tell application id ""
		open f
		set PDFPath to my createEmptyFile(PDFPath)
		delay 1
		tell active document
			save as it file name PDFPath file format format PDF
			delay 2
			close saving no
		end tell
	end tell
end saveDocxAsPDF

on saveXlsxAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)
	set f to documentPath as alias -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the open command
	set tFile to (POSIX path of documentPath) as POSIX file
	tell application id ""
		open f
		set screen updating to false
		set wb to active workbook
		set wsName to the name of the active sheet of wb
		repeat with ctr from 1 to the count of worksheets in wb
			log ctr
			set sName to (the name of worksheet ctr of wb)
			select worksheet sName
			tell page setup object of active sheet
				set zoom to false
				set fit to pages wide to 1
				set fit to pages tall to automatic
					set center header to "&C" & "&KFF0000&"Consolas"" & sName
				end try
					run VB macro "'Personal.xlsb'!AddHeaderFooterAllSheet"
				end try
			end tell 
			autofit every column of range ("$A:$C") of worksheet sName of wb
		end repeat
		save wb
		select worksheet wsName -- return to the original active sheet
		set screen updating to true
		set isRun to running
		set wkbk1 to active workbook
		alias PDFPath
		save workbook as wkbk1 filename PDFPath file format PDF file format
		close wkbk1 saving no
		if not isRun then quit
	end tell
end saveXlsxAsPDF

(Script text reformatted for posting by NG.)

This is more combined code for pptx, docx and xlsx conversion to pdf. The vb code in excel file is used to sheet name in header / footer with specific font. I use PDF X-change to get bookmarks in pdf if the need be.

Hope this helps

Hi @pankajsz.

The way to post AppleScript code on MacScripter is to use plain text and to put three backticks on separate lines above and below it:

AppleScript code.

This way, when posted, the code will appear in a box with an “Open in Script Editor” button under it. I’ve edited it for you above. See also the Markdown Reference here.

1 Like

Thanks, unfortunately the script throws an error.

Perhaps it’s due to something I did when reformatting the code text, although I hope not! :slightly_smiling_face: There’s an isolated “alias PDFPath” towards the bottom of the script which looks as if it should be part of a longer line, but I don’t know anything scripting Excel.

What is the error? What line throws an error?

When I try to compile the script, I get an error in the ‘consolas’ line and that word is highlighted. Escaping the quotes around the word allows it to compile. However, when I add a single backslash before each quote, it doesn’t appear in this page’s text preview. Double backslash before the quotes shows up as single quotes.

set center header to “&C” & “&KFF0000&“Consolas”” & sName

This line has double backslashes when entered:

set center header to “&C” & “&KFF0000&\“Consolas\”” & sName

This line doesn’t compile because of the Quotes.
How should it be?

I’m guessing

set center header to “&C” & “&KFF0000&\“Consolas\”” & sName

Correct me if wrong.

I ran this script on 2 Excel files, and it created PDFs, but it then made each of the excel files unreadable. Excel failed in trying to recover data.

on saveXlsxAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)
	set f to documentPath as alias -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block  to avoid issues with the open command
	set tFile to (POSIX path of documentPath) as POSIX file
	tell application id ""
		open f
		set screen updating to false
		set wb to active workbook
		set wsName to the name of the active sheet of wb
		repeat with ctr from 1 to the count of worksheets in wb
			log ctr
			set sName to (the name of worksheet ctr of wb)
			select worksheet sName
		end repeat
		select worksheet wsName -- return to the original active sheet
		set screen updating to true
		set isRun to running
		set wkbk1 to active workbook
		alias PDFPath
		save workbook as wkbk1 filename PDFPath file format PDF file format
		close wkbk1 saving no
		if not isRun then quit
	end tell
end saveXlsxAsPDF

This works for me. I have shifted page width and header setting to VB

Sub FormatExcelWithHeader()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim sName As String

' Get the active workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

' Loop through all worksheets in the workbook
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
    ' Get the worksheet name
    sName =
    ' Select the worksheet
    ' Set the header and page setup properties
    With ws.PageSetup
        .Zoom = False
        .FitToPagesWide = 1
        .FitToPagesTall = False
        On Error Resume Next ' Avoid errors for unsupported header/footer settings
        .CenterHeader = "&C" & "&KFF0000" & sName
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
Next ws

' Save the workbook

'MsgBox "Formatting completed and saved.", vbInformation, "Done"

End Sub

set center header to “&C” & “&KFF0000&“Consolas”” & sName

on Consolas

Just read the rest, see you already found the error.

I compiled it but it does not run at all, well it selects the finder and that is ti.

**tell** *application* "Finder"


**set** theItems **to** selection

**repeat** **with** itemRef **in** theItems

**set** theItemParentPath **to** (*container* **of** itemRef) **as** *text*

**set** theItemName **to** (name **of** itemRef) **as** *string*

**set** theItemExtension **to** (name extension **of** itemRef)

**set** theItemExtensionLength **to** (**count** theItemExtension) + 1

**set** theOutputPath **to** theItemParentPath & (*text* 1 **thru** (-1 - theItemExtensionLength) **of** theItemName)

**set** newfile **to** theOutputPath & ".pdf"

**set** oldfile **to** theItemParentPath & theItemName

**if** theItemExtension **is** "pptx" **then**

**my** savePowerPointAsPDF(oldfile **as** *text*, newfile **as** *text*)

**delay** 1

**else** **if** theItemExtension **is** "docx" **then**

**my** saveDocxAsPDF(oldfile **as** *text*, newfile **as** *text*)

**delay** 1

**else** **if** theItemExtension **is** "xlsx" **or** theItemExtension **is** "xlsm" **or** theItemExtension **is** "xls" **then**

**my** saveXlsxAsPDF(oldfile **as** *text*, newfile **as** *text*)

**delay** 1

**else** **if** theItemExtension **is** "pdf" **then**

**display dialog** "already pdf"

**end** **if**

**end** **repeat**

**end** **tell**

**on** savePowerPointAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)

**set** f **to** documentPath **as** *alias* -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the open command

**tell** *application* "Microsoft PowerPoint"


**open** f

**tell** *application* "System Events"

**tell** *process* "Microsoft PowerPoint"

**set** visible **to** *false*

**end** **tell**

**end** **tell**

**set** PDFPath **to** **my** createEmptyFile(PDFPath) -- the handler return a file object (this line must be inside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the saving command)

**delay** 0.5

**save** active presentation in PDFPath as *save as PDF*

**delay** 0.5

**close** active presentation saving *no*


**end** **tell**

**end** savePowerPointAsPDF

**on** createEmptyFile(f)

**do shell script** "touch " & quoted form **of** POSIX path **of** f -- create file (this command do nothing when the PDF file exists)

**delay** 1

**return** (POSIX path **of** f) **as** *POSIX file*

**end** createEmptyFile

**on** saveDocxAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)

**set** f **to** documentPath **as** *alias* -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the open command

**tell** *application* *id* ""

**open** f

**set** PDFPath **to** **my** createEmptyFile(PDFPath)

**delay** 1

**tell** active document

**save as** **it** file name PDFPath file format *format PDF*

**delay** 2

**close** saving *no*

**end** **tell**

**end** **tell**

**end** saveDocxAsPDF

**on** saveXlsxAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)

**set** f **to** documentPath **as** *alias* -- this line must be outside of the 'tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"' block to avoid issues with the open command

**set** tFile **to** (POSIX path **of** documentPath) **as** *POSIX file*

**tell** *application* *id* ""


**open** f

**set** screen updating **to** *false*

**set** wb **to** active workbook

**set** wsName **to** **the** name **of** **the** active sheet **of** wb

**repeat** **with** ctr **from** 1 **to** **the** **count** **of** *worksheets* **in** wb

**log** ctr

**set** sName **to** (**the** name **of** *worksheet* ctr **of** wb)

**select** *worksheet* sName

**end** **repeat**

**select** *worksheet* wsName -- return to the original active sheet

**set** screen updating **to** *true*

**set** isRun **to** running

**set** wkbk1 **to** active workbook

*alias* PDFPath

**save workbook as** wkbk1 filename PDFPath file format *PDF file format*

**close** wkbk1 saving *no*

**if** **not** isRun **then** **quit**

**end** **tell**

**end** saveXlsxAsPDF

Hi SW108.

pankajsz’s code is written to act on items that have already been selected in the Finder and which have either “pptx”, “docx”, “xlxs”, or “pdf” name extensions. It saves the pdf versions in the same folders alongside the originals.

When I told pankajsz above to use “plain text” when posting code, I meant unstyled text — ie. don’t copy/paste compiled text directly from Script Editor. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. Ideally, MacScripter’s site software should be able to deal with it, but unfortunately it doesn’t. :slightly_frowning_face:

ha now it works, Thanks.