applescript to change fill color of text

I’m using script debugger 6.04 to try to write a script to change the fill color of selected text to a defined RGB color in Illustrator.
Here’s what I have so far:

tell application “Adobe Illustrator”
set numArt to (count text frames of document 1)
set selection to text frame 10 of current document
set myText to contents of selection
set fill color of myText to {class:RGB color info, R:0.0, G:0.0, b:100.0}
end tell

I get the error message “Can’t set «class aiFC» of “642706 (95-96, Code “K” Eng.)[958]” to {class:«class tRGi», R:0.0, G:0.0, «class LabB»:100.0}.” when I run this but am too new at scripting to know what this means.

Any help in changing the selected text to RGB black would be greatly appreciated.


Kind Regards, Eric

Thank you Eric, this is exactly the help I needed to continue with my very first script.
