This script lists all active processes and lists them. Since I often encode the movie I like using Handbrake, for better performance I need to, except for Handbrake, only those processes that cannot be deleted should be executed. Perhaps there is such a way to filter the most necessary processes. Please help if anyone knows.
tell application "Finder" to get the name of every process
→ {“loginwindow”, “ViewBridgeAuxiliary”, “universalaccessd”, “talagent”, “Dock”, “SystemUIServer”, “ViewBridgeAuxiliary”, “Finder”, “imklaunchagent”, “TISwitcher”, “AirPlayUIAgent”, “nbagent”, “”, “FolderActionsDispatcher”, “CoreLocationAgent”, “PAH_Extension”, “cloudphotosd”, “LaterAgent”, “HandBrake”, “SimulatorTrampoline”, “”, “studentd”, “WiFiAgent”, “NotificationCenter”, “garcon”, “Spotlight”, “Script Editor”, “Safari”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “CoreServicesUIAgent”, “”, “”, “System Events”}