AppleScriptObjC and Keychains

Has anyone figured out how to script keychains using ApplescriptObjC?
The “Keychain Access” app is no longer scriptable.

Perhaps someone can do this with AsObjC, but I doubt it, because there should be problems with bridging C objects. In addition, you still have to enter your user password manually, so the speed advantage becomes useless.

For now, why don’t you just use the shell’s


command? For example:

set QKeyName to quoted form of "TZILDA" -- one of WiFi networks stored on my Mac
do shell script "security 2>&1 find-generic-password -wl " & QKeyName

security util has many other commands to work with keychains. You can list them:

do shell script "security -help &"

Also, you can get help on every its command individually:


do shell script "security 2>&1 find-generic-password -help &"