ASCII Binary

Two handlers: ascii to binary and back (where “ascii” is the mac-roman ascii table).
Most probably, it does exist a faster vanilla routine, but this is the quickest one I know actually :wink:

OS version: Any


--> "0110100001100101011011000110110001101111"

--> "hello"

--> following, data used by the handlers (bottom)
to getASCIITable()
	set a to {}
	repeat with i from 0 to 255
		set a's end to ASCII character i
	end repeat
	"" & a
end getASCIITable
property ascii : getASCIITable()
property bin : {"00000000", "00000001", "00000010", "00000011", "00000100", "00000101", "00000110", "00000111", "00001000", "00001001", "00001010", "00001011", "00001100", "00001101", "00001110", "00001111", "00010000", "00010001", "00010010", "00010011", "00010100", "00010101", "00010110", "00010111", "00011000", "00011001", "00011010", "00011011", "00011100", "00011101", "00011110", "00011111", "00100000", "00100001", "00100010", "00100011", "00100100", "00100101", "00100110", "00100111", "00101000", "00101001", "00101010", "00101011", "00101100", "00101101", "00101110", "00101111", "00110000", "00110001", "00110010", "00110011", "00110100", "00110101", "00110110", "00110111", "00111000", "00111001", "00111010", "00111011", "00111100", "00111101", "00111110", "00111111", "01000000", "01000001", "01000010", "01000011", "01000100", "01000101", "01000110", "01000111", "01001000", "01001001", "01001010", "01001011", "01001100", "01001101", "01001110", "01001111", "01010000", "01010001", "01010010", "01010011", "01010100", "01010101", "01010110", "01010111", "01011000", "01011001", "01011010", "01011011", "01011100", "01011101", "01011110", "01011111", "01100000", "01100001", "01100010", "01100011", "01100100", "01100101", "01100110", "01100111", "01101000", "01101001", "01101010", "01101011", "01101100", "01101101", "01101110", "01101111", "01110000", "01110001", "01110010", "01110011", "01110100", "01110101", "01110110", "01110111", "01111000", "01111001", "01111010", "01111011", "01111100", "01111101", "01111110", "01111111", "10000000", "10000001", "10000010", "10000011", "10000100", "10000101", "10000110", "10000111", "10001000", "10001001", "10001010", "10001011", "10001100", "10001101", "10001110", "10001111", "10010000", "10010001", "10010010", "10010011", "10010100", "10010101", "10010110", "10010111", "10011000", "10011001", "10011010", "10011011", "10011100", "10011101", "10011110", "10011111", "10100000", "10100001", "10100010", "10100011", "10100100", "10100101", "10100110", "10100111", "10101000", "10101001", "10101010", "10101011", "10101100", "10101101", "10101110", "10101111", "10110000", "10110001", "10110010", "10110011", "10110100", "10110101", "10110110", "10110111", "10111000", "10111001", "10111010", "10111011", "10111100", "10111101", "10111110", "10111111", "11000000", "11000001", "11000010", "11000011", "11000100", "11000101", "11000110", "11000111", "11001000", "11001001", "11001010", "11001011", "11001100", "11001101", "11001110", "11001111", "11010000", "11010001", "11010010", "11010011", "11010100", "11010101", "11010110", "11010111", "11011000", "11011001", "11011010", "11011011", "11011100", "11011101", "11011110", "11011111", "11100000", "11100001", "11100010", "11100011", "11100100", "11100101", "11100110", "11100111", "11101000", "11101001", "11101010", "11101011", "11101100", "11101101", "11101110", "11101111", "11110000", "11110001", "11110010", "11110011", "11110100", "11110101", "11110110", "11110111", "11111000", "11111001", "11111010", "11111011", "11111100", "11111101", "11111110", "11111111"}
property bin2 : "00000000        00000001        00000010        00000011        00000100        00000101        00000110        00000111        00001000        00001001        00001010        00001011        00001100        00001101        00001110        00001111        00010000        00010001        00010010        00010011        00010100        00010101        00010110        00010111        00011000        00011001        00011010        00011011        00011100        00011101        00011110        00011111        00100000        00100001        00100010        00100011        00100100        00100101        00100110        00100111        00101000        00101001        00101010        00101011        00101100        00101101        00101110        00101111        00110000        00110001        00110010        00110011        00110100        00110101        00110110        00110111        00111000        00111001        00111010        00111011        00111100        00111101        00111110        00111111        01000000        01000001        01000010        01000011        01000100        01000101        01000110        01000111        01001000        01001001        01001010        01001011        01001100        01001101        01001110        01001111        01010000        01010001        01010010        01010011        01010100        01010101        01010110        01010111        01011000        01011001        01011010        01011011        01011100        01011101        01011110        01011111        01100000        01100001        01100010        01100011        01100100        01100101        01100110        01100111        01101000        01101001        01101010        01101011        01101100        01101101        01101110        01101111        01110000        01110001        01110010        01110011        01110100        01110101        01110110        01110111        01111000        01111001        01111010        01111011        01111100        01111101        01111110        01111111        10000000        10000001        10000010        10000011        10000100        10000101        10000110        10000111        10001000        10001001        10001010        10001011        10001100        10001101        10001110        10001111        10010000        10010001        10010010        10010011        10010100        10010101        10010110        10010111        10011000        10011001        10011010        10011011        10011100        10011101        10011110        10011111        10100000        10100001        10100010        10100011        10100100        10100101        10100110        10100111        10101000        10101001        10101010        10101011        10101100        10101101        10101110        10101111        10110000        10110001        10110010        10110011        10110100        10110101        10110110        10110111        10111000        10111001        10111010        10111011        10111100        10111101        10111110        10111111        11000000        11000001        11000010        11000011        11000100        11000101        11000110        11000111        11001000        11001001        11001010        11001011        11001100        11001101        11001110        11001111        11010000        11010001        11010010        11010011        11010100        11010101        11010110        11010111        11011000        11011001        11011010        11011011        11011100        11011101        11011110        11011111        11100000        11100001        11100010        11100011        11100100        11100101        11100110        11100111        11101000        11101001        11101010        11101011        11101100        11101101        11101110        11101111        11110000        11110001        11110010        11110011        11110100        11110101        11110110        11110111        11111000        11111001        11111010        11111011        11111100        11111101        11111110        11111111        "

local convertedStuff, dlg, inputButton, inputText, temp

on AsciiToBin(thisText)
	set bined to {}
	considering case, punctuation, diacriticals, white space, hyphens and expansion
		repeat with i in thisText
			set bined's end to my bin's item (offset of i in ascii)
		end repeat
	end considering
	"" & bined
end AsciiToBin

on BinToAscii(thisText)
	--> add zeroes, compose bytes if needed
	set tLength to count thisText
	set plus to 8 - (tLength mod 8)
	if plus is not 8 then set thisText to text -(tLength + plus) thru -1 of ("00000000" & thisText)
	--> end
	set asciied to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to (count thisText) by 8
		set asciied's end to ascii's item (((offset of ((text i thru (i + 7) of thisText) & "        ") in bin2) + 15) / 16)
	end repeat
	"" & asciied
end BinToAscii

property |version| : 1.1
property author : "Pescados Software · [url="]"[/url]
property |date| : date "domingo, 21 marzo 2004 17:46:58"
property license : "freeware, open-source"
Feel free to modify this script. Cheers...


Version 1.1 (31 de mayo de 2004) --> code renices