ASObjC Combo Box Text Filter

Hi there, Is there a way for when I start typing the options in the list reduce to the options contains text of the text field?

ie: “201”
result: “tape delay 201”

text entered: “even”

“Eventide Harmoniser H 910”
“Eventide Blackhole”
“Eventtide Ultrachanel”

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "Appkit"
use framework "Cocoa"
use scripting additions

property SYS_RESOURCES : "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/"
property response : missing value -- this will be the button pressed in the alert

on run 
	set theFolder to "HD:Users:me:Desktop:tests:trackFx:" as alias 
	tell application "System Events" to set theList to name of files of theFolder
		set choice to (showAlert given parameters:{message:"Choose from List", info:("Names of folders from " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFolder & ":"), choices:theList})
		if choice is not "" then tell application "Finder"
			set thePlug to file choice of folder theFolder as «class furl»
			run script thePlug
		end tell
	on error errmess number errnum
		tell me to activate
		log "Error " & errnum & ":  " & errmess
		display alert "Error " & errnum message errmess
	end try
end run

# NSAlert creation and display stuff

# create a base alert object and its accessoryView combo box
to createAlert()
	set alert to (current application's NSAlert's alloc's init())
	repeat with anItem in {"Choose", "Cancel"} -- arbitrary, from right to left
		(alert's addButtonWithTitle:anItem)
	end repeat
	tell ((current application's NSComboBox)'s alloc's initWithFrame:{{0, 0}, {298, 28}})
		set alert's |window|'s initialFirstResponder to it -- select the text field
		set its hasVerticalScroller to true
		set its completes to true -- matches an item while manually entering
		set its numberOfVisibleItems to 10 -- arbitrary
		set its placeholderString to "Enter or select an item" -- arbitrary
		alert's setAccessoryView:it
	end tell
	return alert
end createAlert

# configure and show an alert
# the arguments parameter is a record of options that is merged with defaults
to showAlert given parameters:parameters
	set parameters to parameters & {message:""} & {info:""} & {icon:""} & {choices:{}} -- defaults
	set alert to createAlert()
	alert's setMessageText:(message of parameters)
	alert's setInformativeText:(info of parameters)
	my setIcon:(icon of parameters) forAlert:alert
	set comboList to {}
	repeat with anItem in (choices of parameters) -- populate accessoryView combo box
		set anItem to contents of anItem
		if anItem is not "" and comboList does not contain anItem then -- filter blanks and duplicates
			((alert's accessoryView)'s addItemWithObjectValue:anItem)
			set end of comboList to anItem
		end if
	end repeat
	my performSelectorOnMainThread:"performAlert:" withObject:alert waitUntilDone:true
	if response is (current application's NSAlertSecondButtonReturn) then error number -128 -- Cancel
	return alert's accessoryView's stringValue as text
end showAlert

# used by showAlert via performSelectorOnMainThread - when running a script from the
# Script Editor or Script Debugger, an NSAlert needs be set to run on the main thread
on performAlert:alert
	set my response to alert's runModal()
end performAlert:

# set the alert icon
# the iconType argument can be "critical", "informational", or "warning",
# the "Note", "Caution", or "Stop" system icons, or a POSIX image file
to setIcon:iconType forAlert:alert
	set iconImage to missing value
	if iconType is "critical" then
		alert's setAlertStyle:(current application's NSCriticalAlertStyle)
	else if iconType is in {"", "informational", "warning"} then
		alert's setAlertStyle:(current application's NSInformationalAlertStyle)
	else if iconType is in {"Note", "Caution", "Stop"} then -- system icon
		set iconImage to current application's NSImage's alloc's initWithContentsOfFile:(SYS_RESOURCES & "Alert" & iconType & "Icon.icns")
	else -- icon or image from a file
		set iconImage to current application's NSImage's alloc's initWithContentsOfFile:iconType
	end if
	if iconImage is not missing value then set alert's icon to iconImage
end setIcon:forAlert:

For that to be possible, the script would have to run in an event loop, intercepting every character typed in and then send the resulting string to wherever. You could try your luck with Objective-C, AppKit and NSEvent.