auto bump script

Here is a script I wrote to automatically bump my post on a website every 30 minutes:

tell application "Safari"
	open location ""
	delay (5)
	tell application "Safari" to do JavaScript "window.close()" in front document
end tell
	do shell script "sleep 1800"
	tell application "Safari"
		open location ""
		delay (5)
		tell application "Safari" to do JavaScript "window.close()" in front document
	end tell
end repeat

An AppleScript delay is rather cpu intensive – you’re better off with

do shell script "sleep 1800"

Look at the man page – this is a delay, not sleep as we normally think about it.

Thank you.

i did a test

ran a delay 100 then went to the activity monitor and no cpu loading on applescript or script editor.

maybe apple improved the performance since then

i did not try it on a ppc machine


Here is a little script that should be saved as a stay open application for refreshing a page every 5 minutes (when you are waiting for posts). You should quit it when you are posting.

on idle
		tell application "Safari"
			tell its document 1 to set a to its URL
			open location a
		end tell
		return 300
	on error
		tell me to quit
	end try
end idle

on quit
	continue quit
end quit