I have been trying to piece together different posts I have found regarding Quicktime export scripts. I haven’t had any luck. I need to write a script that looks on our network into hundreds of folders. It needs to look for a file containing a specific ending to its name like… …1280x720_PhotoJPEG.mov
I’d then like to have it open the files one by one, playing into the file 2.5 seconds (this is optional, could be the first frame), and exporting a frame to a .bmp or .pict file, saving that image file into the same directory as the source video, and closing and moving onto the next file.
Is this possible? I’ve spent the better part of the day trying to get this to work. I may have been better off manually opening the files and creating the thumbnail!
Thanks so much for any help.
Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Safari 525.27.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)