I have a worksheet with a number of headers that cover several columns.
If I use the standard auto fit command then result includes data in all rows.I could go back and restore columns with headers but even then I would be guessing at the correct width .
Is there any way to base the Autofit on a range rather than an entire column
Belatedly, there is an autofit command; its argument is a range. So, if you wanted only the first five rows of column B to be used to set column B’s width, the command would look like this:
autofit every column of range "B1:B5"
Here is a more complete example. Run the following to put some text in some target cells:
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell workbook 1
tell active sheet
set value of range "C2" to "command then result includes data"
set value of range "C3" to "an entire column"
set use standard width of range "C2:C3" to true
end tell
end tell
end tell
Then run this on the resulting sheet. By changing the specified range, the column’s width can be controlled.
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell workbook 1
with timeout of 4 seconds
tell active sheet
-- autofit every column of range "C2:C2"
autofit every column of range "C3:C3"
end tell
end timeout
end tell
end tell