Automated data CD copy script

I’m new to scripting, and I need to know if this is even possible. Can anyone offer advice?

I have about 1000 data CDs and DVDs that were used for backup years ago. I just got a big fat RAID and I want to dump all of the info on all of the discs onto it. I’ve daisy-chained 4 old external firewire CD burners to my computer. When any CD or DVD mounts, I would like it to automatically copy to a volume (“XRAID”) then eject, without having any confirmation dialog windows pop up (and be able to handle multiple discs mounting while it’s performing a copy). There’s a program called “DiskCatalogMaker” that does this beautifully, but it only creates a catalog of the data on each mounted CD, and doesn’t actually copy the data. I’ve googled and trolled through versiontracker to find an app, an automater action, or a script to do this, but haven’t found any. Can anyone recommend anything, or advise how I might script this?

Model: Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

Please help… this is excruciating.

If I open a script in script editor and hit run, can it just continue running in the background? I don’t know the proper applescript syntax, but I think it would go something like:

on mounting a volume
copy contents of volume to volume “XRAID-1”
when finished eject



this is not as easy as you think!

AppleScript’s multitasking capabilities are restricted, watching 4 disk drives and copying the entire contents of each disk at the same time is pretty time-critical.
Actually you need 4 (application) scripts, one for each disk drive.
As the Digital Hub Scripting.osax can’t handle non blank data disks (for comprehensible security reasons),
you need something like a launchd agent, which watches the /Volumes folder
and a copy routine using shell commands like cp or better rsync, the Finder is probably overstrained and too slow to do 4 copy jobs at the same time.

Just my 2 cents.