I am trying to create a Script that will create a series of folders and Subfolders. So far here is what I have based on another post in this forum. Thanks by the way to the poster of the original script. I am now however trying to add some Subfolders to the PDF folder and I can’t seem to figure this out from other posts. Any help would be appreciated.
set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog “Enter a job number:” default answer “”)
set jobName to text returned of (display dialog “Enter a job name:” default answer “”)
set folderpath to (choose folder with prompt “Select client folder”)
set newJobFolder to my newFold(jobNum, jobName, folderpath)
on newFold(theNumber, theName, thefolder)
set subNameList to {“ClientOriginals”, “LineArtUsed”, “InterWorking”, “ImagesUsed”, “iCut”, “Fonts”, “OutputFinals”}
set itemCount to count of subNameList
tell application “Finder”
set newJobFolder to (make new folder at thefolder with properties ¬
{name:theNumber & " - " & theName})
repeat with i from 1 to itemCount
set thisFolder to make new folder at newJobFolder with properties ¬
{name:“” & item i of subNameList}
if item i of subNameList contains “ClientOriginals” then
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
{name:“TC Production PDF”}
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
{name:“Working Files”}
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
{name:“Zip Files”}
else if item i of subNameList contains “OutputFinals” then
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
for such a complex folder structure the shell command mkdir is easier to use
set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "")
set jobName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job name:" default answer "")
set folderpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
set folderStructure to "/{ClientOriginals/{'TC Production PDF',Vendor,'Working Files','ZIP Files'},LineArtUsed,InterWorking,ImagesUsed,iCut,Fonts,OutputFinals/{CFO,Finals,PDF/{Folder1,Folder2},SplitPDF}}"
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & " - " & jobName) & folderStructure
If you really want to stay with the old fashioned structure you may read that :
version 1 :
set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "")
set jobName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job name:" default answer "")
set folderpath to (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
set jobNum to "2"
set jobName to "job_Name"
set folderpath to ((path to desktop as text)&"client1:") as alias
set newJobFolder to my newFold(jobNum, jobName, folderpath)
on newFold(theNumber, theName, thefolder)
set subNameList to {"ClientOriginals", "LineArtUsed", "InterWorking", "ImagesUsed", "iCut", "Fonts", "OutputFinals"}
set itemCount to count of subNameList
tell application "Finder"
set newJobFolder to (make new folder at thefolder with properties ¬
{name:theNumber & " - " & theName})
repeat with i from 1 to itemCount
set thisFolder to make new folder at newJobFolder with properties ¬
{name:"" & item i of subNameList}
if item i of subNameList contains "ClientOriginals" then
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
{name:"TC Production PDF"}
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
{name:"Working Files"}
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
{name:"Zip Files"}
else if item i of subNameList contains "OutputFinals" then
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
set PDFfolder to make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
make new folder at PDFfolder with properties {name:"Bachibouzouk"}
make new folder at thisFolder with properties ¬
end if
end repeat
end tell
end newFold
As I dislike to speak to the Finder, here is
Version 2 which triggers System Events :
set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "")
set jobName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job name:" default answer "")
set folderpath to (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
set jobNum to "2"
set jobName to "job_Name"
set folderpath to ((path to desktop as text)&"client1:") as alias
set newJobFolder to my newFold(jobNum, jobName, folderpath)
on newFold(theNumber, theName, thefolder)
set subNameList to {"ClientOriginals", "LineArtUsed", "InterWorking", "ImagesUsed", "iCut", "Fonts", "OutputFinals"}
set itemCount to count of subNameList
set thefolder to thefolder as text
tell application "System Events"
set newJobFolder to path of (make new folder at folder thefolder with properties ¬
{name:theNumber & " - " & theName})
repeat with i from 1 to itemCount
set thisFolder to path of (make new folder at folder newJobFolder with properties ¬
{name:item i of subNameList as text})
if item i of subNameList contains "ClientOriginals" then
tell folder thisFolder
make new folder at it with properties ¬
{name:"TC Production PDF"}
make new folder at it with properties ¬
make new folder at it with properties ¬
{name:"Working Files"}
make new folder at it with properties ¬
{name:"Zip Files"}
end tell
else if item i of subNameList contains "OutputFinals" then
tell folder thisFolder
make new folder at it with properties ¬
make new folder at it with properties ¬
set PDFfolder to path of (make new folder at it with properties ¬
make new folder at it with properties ¬
end tell
make new folder at folder PDFfolder with properties {name:"Bachibouzouk"} # moved here to take care of the tell folder thisFolder block
end if
end repeat
end tell
end newFold
KOENIG Yvan (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 13 septembre 2013 18:45:15