I’m trying to automate the process of clicking the “OK” button in the macOS file access permission dialogs that appear when an app requests access to a folder (e.g., Desktop).
For example, the dialog typically looks like this:
“MyApplication.app” would like to access files in your Desktop folder.
Buttons: “Don’t Allow”, “OK”
In my case, I don’t really care which button is pressed, but ideally, I’d like the “OK” button to be clicked automatically.
The goal is to avoid manual intervention in Security & Privacy settings, since the users do not have administrator passwords.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this programmatically?
I have the password encrypted in the script. However, in this case I would not care if they knew the password, my primary goal is to prevent the need for the user to press a button.
Below is a copy of the script, which only requires permission to control the Desktop when compiled as an “Application” script:
-- Define username and password for the sudo command
set uName to "administrator" -- Replace with your actual username
set pass1 to "myPassWord"
-- Step 1: Copy "Illustrator.qlgenerator" from "/System/Library/QuickLook" to the Desktop
do shell script "cp -R /System/Library/QuickLook/Illustrator.qlgenerator /Users/" & uName & "/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator" user name uName password pass1 with administrator privileges
on error
set uName to "Administrator"
do shell script "cp -R /System/Library/QuickLook/Illustrator.qlgenerator /Users/" & uName & "/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator" user name uName password pass1 with administrator privileges
end try
-- Step 2: Ensure full read/write permissions on the copied file on the Desktop
set desktopFolder to "/Users/" & uName & "/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator"
do shell script "sudo chmod -R 777 " & quoted form of desktopFolder with administrator privileges
-- Step 3: Open "Illustrator.qlgenerator" by right-clicking and showing package contents
tell application "Finder"
-- Use the absolute path to the desktop and the Illustrator.qlgenerator file
set illustratorFilePath to "/Users/" & uName & "/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator"
set illustratorFile to POSIX file illustratorFilePath as alias
open illustratorFile
delay 1 -- Allow Finder to open the file
set packageContents to folder "Contents" of illustratorFile
end tell
---Press the "OK" button
-- Step 4: Open "Info.plist" in the "Contents" folder with TextEdit
tell application "TextEdit"
-- Build the POSIX path to Info.plist
set plistPath to illustratorFilePath & "/Contents/Info.plist"
-- Step 5: Change the file permissions to be writable (using sudo)
do shell script "sudo chmod 777 " & quoted form of plistPath with administrator privileges
-- Open Info.plist
open POSIX file plistPath
end tell
-- Step 6: Delete all text in the opened Info.plist
tell application "TextEdit"
set the text of document 1 to ""
end tell
-- Step 7: Replace content with new Info.plist XML
set newPlistContent to "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd>
<plist version=\"1.0\">
<string>5.0, Copyright Apple Inc. 2007-2013</string>
-- Step 8: Paste new content into Info.plist
tell application "TextEdit"
set the text of document 1 to newPlistContent
end tell
-- Step 9: Save the modified Info.plist back into the "Contents" folder on the Desktop
set plistFilePath to illustratorFilePath & "/Contents/Info.plist"
tell application "TextEdit"
save document 1 in POSIX file plistFilePath
end tell
-- Step 10: Close the TextEdit document without saving
tell application "TextEdit"
close document 1 saving no
end tell
-- Step 11: Move the "Illustrator.qlgenerator" folder back to the QuickLook directory
do shell script "sudo mv /Users/" & uName & "/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator /Library/QuickLook/" with administrator privileges
So far just looking at your script, it only works if the User who is logged in is an Administrator.
Also had problems on this…
set desktopFolder to "/Users/" & uName & "/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator"
do shell script "sudo chmod -R 777 " & quoted form of desktopFolder with administrator privileges
it gives an error
chmod: Unable to change file mode on /Users/robert/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator: Operation not permitted
chmod: /Users/robert/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator: Operation not permitted
chmod: Unable to change file mode on /Users/robert/Desktop/Illustrator.qlgenerator: Operation not permitted
BTW, don’t need 'sudo ’ in front of the ‘chmod’. Thats what ‘with administrator privileges’ does. Like so…
do shell script "chmod -R 777 " & quoted form of desktopFolder user name uName password pass1 with administrator privileges
I’ve decided to change direction and avoid the dialog altogether. Since all users receiving this installer already have Keyboard Maestro with accessibility access, I can create a new macro that executes the steps in the provided script. The application script will load the new KM macro plist, wait a couple of seconds, and then trigger the macro to perform the necessary functions without displaying the system access dialog.