-- Enhanced by Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 6 juin 2020 15:16:52
-- use the free CLI cliclick
property variante : true
-- true --> predefine the index of wanted style
-- false --> try to select the style by its name, see comments below
tell application "Numbers"
set view_loc to localized string "View" from table "TSApplication"
set showInspector_loc to localized string "Show Inspector" from table "TSApplication"
set cell_loc to localized string "Cell" from table "TSApplication"
set allBorders_loc to localized string "All borders" from table "TSApplication"
if not variante then
set borderStyles_loc to localized string "Border Styles" from table "TSApplication"
set digitPt_loc to localized string "%@ pt" from table "TSText"
set onePt_loc to my remplace(digitPt_loc, "%@", "1")
end if
tell document 1 to tell active sheet to tell table 1
set selection range to range "C3:E6" --"D13:AG13"
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Numbers"
set frontmost to true
-- The original test was wrong !!!!
tell menu bar item view_loc of menu bar 1
click it
-- set theNames to name of menu items of menu 1 --> {"Masquer la barre d’onglets", "Afficher tous les onglets", missing value, "Inspecteur", missing value, "Afficher les règles", "Guides", missing value, "Commentaires", missing value, "Masquer les activités de la collaboration", missing value, "Afficher les outils de disposition", "Afficher les couleurs", "Afficher les outils d’ajustement de l’image", "Afficher le navigateur multimédia", missing value, "Agrandir/réduire", missing value, "Afficher les avertissements", missing value, "Activer le mode plein écran", missing value, "Masquer la barre d’outils", "Personnaliser la barre d’outils…"}
set inspector_loc to 4 -- the localized string is not reachable in many languages under 10.13.6
tell menu item inspector_loc of menu 1
click it
-- name of menu items of menu 1 --> {"Formater", "Organiser", missing value, "Afficher l’onglet suivant de l’inspecteur", "Afficher l’onglet précédent de l’inspecteur", missing value, "Afficher l’inspecteur" or "Masquer l’inspecteur"}
if menu item showInspector_loc of menu 1 exists then
keystroke "i" using {option down, command down} -- “Show Inspector” menu command
-- click menu item showInspector_loc of menu 1
end if
end tell
end tell
tell window 1 -- document window
-- its properties
-- class of UI elements--> {scroll area, button, scroll area, button, button, scroll area, menu button, button, button, radio group, UI element, button, button, static text, scroll area, button, button, button, menu button, toolbar, tab, static text}
tell radio group 1
-- class of UI elements --> {radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button}
-- name of radio buttons --> {"Tableau", "Cellule", "Texte", "Disposition"}
click radio button cell_loc
end tell -- radio group 1
tell scroll area 4
-- click once in the scroll area to put the target in it
set {x, y} to its position
tell me to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick c:" & x + 2 & "," & y + 2
-- class of UI elements --> {pop up button, static text, UI element, static text, button, pop up button, static text, image, list, color well, text field, incrementor, pop up button, menu button, button, scroll bar}
tell list 1
-- class of UI elements--> {button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button}
set theHelps to help of every button
repeat with indx from 1 to count theHelps
if (item indx of theHelps as string) is allBorders_loc then
tell button indx
set {x, y} to its position
set {w, h} to its size
end tell
-- this button doesn't respond to standard actions so use cliClick
tell me to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick c:" & x + (w div 2) & "," & y + (h div 2)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell -- list 1
-- name of menu buttons --> {"Styles de bordure"}
if variante then
set borderStyles_loc to 1 -- so we my drop localization code
end if
tell menu button borderStyles_loc
click it
if not variante then
set menuItems to name of menu items of menu 1 --> {"Récents", "0,25 pt", missing value, "Styles sélectionnés", "0,25 pt", missing value, "Styles de tableau", "3 pt", "1 pt", "1 pt", "3 pt", "3 pt", "3 pt", "3 pt", missing value, "Style par défaut", "Pas de bordure"}
-- Two menu items share the name "1 pt"
-- We may scan the list of menu items skipping the 5 first ones
-- but such code can't select the 2nd item "1 pt"
-- and it would be worse for item "3 pt"
repeat with indx from 6 to count menuItems
if item indx of menuItems as string is onePt_loc then
click menu item indx of menu 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- My choice is to trigger the menu item directly by its index
-- 8 --> "3 pt" gray
-- 9 --> "1 pt" solid
-- 10 --> "1 pt" dots
-- 11 --> "3 pt" black
-- 12 --> "3 pt" red
-- 13 --> "3 pt" green
-- 14 --> "3 pt" white
set indx to 12 -- edit to fit your needs
click menu item indx of menu 1
end if
end tell -- menu button borderStyles_loc
end tell -- scroll area 4
end tell -- window 1
end tell -- System Events
replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
-- not used if variante is true
on remplace(t, d1, d2)
local oTIDs, l
set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d1}
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
set t to l as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return t
end remplace
As always, numerous instructions used to build the code are kept disabled.
Download Cliclick from www.bluem.net
and install it as : “/usr/local/bin/cliclick”
By default, the folder “Macintosh HD:usr:” is invisible.
but you may open it with :
set p2usr to POSIX file "/usr/"
tell application "Finder" to open p2usr
If I remember well, a subfolder named “local” exists
but you will have to create its subfolder “bin” to get the hierarchy:
“Macintosh HR:usr:local:bin:” where you will store “cliclick”.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 6 juin 2020 15:21:18