Hi again!
First thing, I just wanted to say I love this forum, I just started scripting and I’m using this site all the time.
I have an Automator app that takes the files I drop on it, adds the date to the name, and moves it to another folder. It sounds simple, but what is the applescript for this?
You can do a search in these forums for things like “renaming file” and “moving files”
Here’s a version using the Finder:
property new_folder : alias ((path to desktop as string) & "changed_files:")
on open the_files
repeat with a_file in the_files
set old_file_name to name of (info for a_file)
set date_format to ((month of (current date) as number) & day of (current date) & year of (current date)) as string
tell application "Finder"
set name of a_file to date_format & "_" & old_file_name
move a_file to new_folder
end tell
end repeat
Thanks, I appreciate the help!