Here’s a way to do it in AppleScript. There are various ways to use to use an appleScript in a Quick Action, but I’m not the one to help you with that. I’m hoping someone else will because I’d like to see how it’s done!
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
tell application "Finder"
set csvFiles to the selection as alias list
repeat with thisCSVFile in csvFiles
set fileName to name of thisCSVFile
set fileExtension to name extension of thisCSVFile
if fileExtension = "csv" then
set newCVSFile to my StripCSVFirstColum(thisCSVFile, fileName)
end if
end repeat
end tell
on StripCSVFirstColum(myFile, fileName)
set saveTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"new.csv", ".csv"}
set newFilePath to text items of (myFile as text) as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveTID
set myFile to POSIX path of myFile
set shellScript to "cut -d , -f 2- " & quoted form of myFile
set cvsText to do shell script shellScript
set openFile to open for access file newFilePath with write permission
on error errMsg number errNum
close access file newFilePath
set openFile to open for access file newFilePath with write permission
end try
set eof of openFile to 1
write cvsText to openFile
close access openFile
return newFilePath
end StripCSVFirstColum
Thank you so much, estockly. I very much appreciate you helping me out here.
I do know how to use an AppleScript in Automator. But there is another problem.
Your script produces an Automator -212 error. And when I run just the script it tells me:
[format]Syntax Error. Expected “end” but found “on”.[/format]
That is odd. That is usually a compile error that comes up when there’s a tell block, repeat block or if/then block without an end tell, end repeat or end if following.
Try putting the word “end” in a line by itself above the On StripCSVFirstColum… line and see if that fixes it.
Otherwise I’ll defer to those who do more than dabble in Automator.
The part after the semi-colon moves the newly created file into the original file, essentially replacing the source file with the resulting file. It’s sort of using ‘newfile.csv’ as a temp file. As I understand it, the semi-colon tells the shell to run the subsequent command after the prior command is complete. I assume it will work in the shell that automator uses but I haven’t tested it. There are non-obvious concerns to using the shell in automator (or applescript) so be as aware as you can be.
I have no idea if you need to be more fulsome with file paths in order to make sure that you are working with the correct file. So don’t go testing it with a filename that you use for other purposes.
I have an old system so I don’t see what ‘quick actions’ are but if they’re anything like a ‘service’, then when you create something new in automator, it should prompt you. Hope this helps.