Automator Script Deletes All Files Including Itself

Greetings. I am very new to Automator and have created a script to delete a file, hall.wav, from my downloads folder. First I started with a “folder action”. Dragged in “find finder items”. Specified the folder to search as “Downloads”. All of the following are true: Name is hall.wav. Then I dragged in “Move finder items to trash”. The file sits in the Downloads folder and it deletes ANY file that is put into the folder. It deletes hall.wav but also any other file that is downloaded there. I had to delete it. It even deletes itself when I “put it back” from Trash. I have no clue what I am doing wrong. Obviously missing something! If anyone could help that would be great. GL

Model: iMac 2011
Browser: Opera 33
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.10)

Where you have Name is, do you have any other lines? Perhaps posting a link to a screenshot would help.

Hi Shane, Thanks for responding. I’d be happy to post a screen shot. I don’t see an option to upload a file and I personally have no website where I post something that others can look at. Where would I put the screen shot so that others could see it?

To answer your question, the exact name of the file, hall.wav is given as the name. There are not other parameters. I figured the exact name is pretty precise.


Search Google for “free photo hosting” – there are plenty of options.

Hello Shane,

Heres a link to the Automator page.


That looks OK to me, and I get the same problem when I build it here. I’m not sure what to suggest…

Yes, strange indeed. I wonder if anyone else can make sense of it. GL

FWIW, I have confirmed that it is indeed a bug.

Thanks Shane. Weird. Such a simple script. Who would have thought? GL

Try replacing the Filter Finder items action with the Find Finder Items action.

Hi Shane,

The script I created IS done with the Find Finder Items action.


Try vice-versa…

Yes, that seems to be working now. Thanks. GL