Avoiding Adobe disteller to block the user interaction...

Hi all,

I use the AppleScript to launch the Adobe distiller to generate a PDF of my Quark document, but if I got huge doc, the distiller will block user interaction with other running apps while the PDF is getting generated, what do I need to do to avoid this, if I use the distiller manually (dont use AppleScript) to do that, it wont block the system, I use the “case ignoring” but seems it doesn’t help,
Any idea what i missed/did wrong ?



P.S my source code looks like this

tell application “Acrobat Distiller 7.0”

	ignoring case
		set outfilePath to myFullDesPath
		set psfilePath to myFullSourcePath
		Distill sourcePath POSIX path of psfilePath destinationPath POSIX path of outfilePath
	end ignoring
end tell

I found the right way to do it.
I used this:

ignoring application responses
tell application “Acrobat Distiller 7.0”
Distill sourcePath POSIX path of psfilePath destinationPath POSIX path of outfilePath
end tell
end ignoring
