I currently have an ASOC application that runs alongside Adobe Illustrator containing all sorts of Illustrator scripts. One of the problems with it is that all Illustrator palettes disappear when I switch to my ASOC application.
One could argue that this is normal behaviour, but I noticed QuickKeys’ toolbars don’t show this behaviour. When I grab one of QuicKeys’ toolbars and drag it around, Illustrator is still the frontmost application. Is something like that possible with an ASOC application?
Thanks, I’ve got it working now. Apart from one thing. It really doesn’t get along very well with this little fella:
on applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_(sender)
return true
end applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_
As soon as I call any other panel, say a color picker, my application quits. It’s as if my application suddenly realises there isn’t a single NSWindow open, only two NSPanels.