BBEdit Set Window Bounds

I’m trying to open a handful of projects with bounds for each window. The first one isn’t working:

property monitor : “/Users/rich/Documents/BBEdit Projects/Dev_Monitor.bbprojectd”
tell application “BBEdit” to open monitor with properties {bounds:{5282, -454, 7158, 495}}

Now, I have 4 displays but these bounds are indeed valid. Not sure why it isn’t working.

Any ideas? Cheers

open v : Opens the specified item(s)
open specifier : the item(s) to open
[with properties record] : properties to be applied to the document when opening

‘bounds’ is a property of a window, not a document. You have to open the document first, and then set the bounds of its window

@Fredrik71 Hi there. There are no error codes.

The project is opening up in another separate display. Not working, no error codes. It’s not a permissions issue. The project is opening just fine, just not in the proper location.

I’ve not tried it with another application. So I just tried it with TextEdit.

tell application "TextEdit" to open alpha with properties {bounds:{5282, -454, 7158, 495}}

It threw an error, so it couldn’t even open the file:

Expected end of line, etc. but found “{”.

I expanded that block and then got this:

TextEdit got an error: Can’t set bounds of document "alpha.rtf" to {5282, -454, 7158, 495}.

Not much of an error code. Permissions 777.

Yout script seems to work. However since I’m opening multiple files, Window 1 sticks with the first window. Can I not use the variable name theObject as a reference to its own window? I can change the name of second, third objects.

It’s not a document. It’s a project, which is a window with documents in it.

To you, and BBEdit, it’s a project. To the file system it’s a document.

I searched BBEdit’s dictionary for ‘project’. Nothing there contradicts my earlier post.

Anyway, you’ve just parked files into an array, then iterated through a method. That is just a refactoring. The issue here is apparently the project/window issue. How can I refer to the window of an object? I’ve accomplished it below, but I feel as if it’s a hack, relying on window 1 of what I have just recently opened.

Here’s what is working:

property monitor : "/Users/rich/Documents/BBEdit Projects/Dev_Monitor.bbprojectd"
property dev : "/Users/rich/Documents/BBEdit Projects/Dev.bbprojectd"
property issues : "/Users/rich/Documents/BBEdit Projects/issues_______d.bbprojectd"

tell application "BBEdit"
	open monitor
	set bounds of window 1 to {5282, -454, 7158, 495}
	open dev
	set bounds of window 1 to {3840, 92, 5280, 2003}
	open issues
	set bounds of window 1 to {1502, 339, 3494, 1827}
end tell

Thank you! Cheers

set monitorDoc to open monitor
set bounds of window 1 of monitorDoc to {5282, -454, 7158, 495}
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My point is that I’d rather refer to the specific object instead of procedural remnants. Ultimately I’d iterate through windows, coupled with their default positions {x,y,dx,dy}, with a single open command with properties {i.position}.

Actually, I think it is the only the window as a property of a document that is read-only — i.e. you cannot arbitrarily mix and match documents and windows.

The window’s own properties can be set, including its bounds:

tell application "BBEdit"
	set lizard to open monitor
	--> text document 1 of application "BBEdit"
	set dname to name of lizard
	delay 4
	set existing to bounds of window of lizard
	--> {44, 88, 1053, 900}
	set bounds of window dname to {100, 200, 500, 500}
end tell

Now you can sleep peacefully knowing specifically which window you are relocating. This allows you to bring a different window to the fore and still process the specified window.

Update: I had it wrong how it managed the state of the documents and windows. This should work though.

set bounds of window of lizard to {}? That should work.

It will work as long as you don’t change windows in the GUI. If there is a chance of that happening, then get the name and go with that.

It’s a positioning system for projects. It’s a single script so there’s no change during the run of the script. Takes 5 seconds if that.

It should be fine then.