Binding preferences to multiple text fields


I would like to bind the preferences in my application to allow users to change font size and color, and some other properties, without myelf digging too much into “glue” codes. I have several text fields that I would like to bind.

Thus far, I have succeeded in binding one text field to change font color and size. However, when I bind a second text field using the same Model Path, the changes are reflected in all “bound” text fields.

Is there a way to make these bindings independent of each other? I tried to uncheck the option for “multiple items…” but the app won’t compile (leaving me only with the debug window to show some cryptic error that I have no capacity to interpret right now).

Much help appreciated. TIA.

archseed :frowning:

Model: iBook G3
AppleScript: 1.10.3
Browser: Camino 1.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)