I’m trying to automate the burning proccess in iTunes for my not so tech savy boss. We burn quit a lot of discs (usually dvd’s) and sometimes he burns some when im not here. I came up with a short script to burn them using DVDPro however since itunes doesnt have a burn keyborad short cut im at a loss.
this is what i use for dvd pro
tell application "DVD Studio Pro"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
delay 0.1
keystroke return
keystroke "b" using {command down, option down}
end tell
DVDpro also automaticly eject when finished wich also makes it easier. to sum up i guess im looking for a script that i can set to run on insertiom of blank cd that brings up itunes, selects playlist, burns to audio cd then ejects disc.
any help would e greatly appreciated.
thank you