C1Pro Apple Script Help

Hi All,

I have been working on a script to use with Capture One 3.7.X that will automate the processing and organization…

everything seems to be working fine but the script doesn’t seem to recognize when the “Capture Folder” or “Process Folder” is changed. Any ideas?

tell application "Capture One PRO"
	set mySession to session 1
	set myImages to every image of capture favorite folder of mySession
	set myTarget to process destination "Hi_Yellow"
	set myTarget2 to process destination "Lo_Yellow"
	set myTarget3 to process destination "Hi_Green"
	set myTarget4 to process destination "Lo_Green"
	set myTarget5 to process destination "Hi_Red"
	set myTarget6 to process destination "Lo_Red"
	set myTarget7 to process destination "Lo_1"
	set myTarget8 to process destination "Hi_1"
	set myTarget9 to process destination "Lo_2"
	set myTarget10 to process destination "Hi_2"
	set myTarget11 to process destination "Lo_3"
	set myTarget12 to process destination "Hi_3"
	set myTarget13 to process destination "Hi_Others"
	set myTarget14 to process destination "Lo_Others"
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is maybe then
			start processing myImage target myTarget (*hi yelow*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget2 (*lo yelow*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is yes then
			start processing myImage target myTarget3 (*hi green*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget4 (*lo Green*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is no then
			start processing myImage target myTarget5 (*hi red*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget6 (*lo red*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is one then
			start processing myImage target myTarget7 (*hi one*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget8 (*lo one*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is two then
			start processing myImage target myTarget9 (*hi two*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget10 (*lo two*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is three then
			start processing myImage target myTarget11 (*hi 3*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget12 (*lo 3*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is none then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi None*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*Lo none*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is four then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi four*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*lo four*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is five then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi 5*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*lo 5*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is six then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi 6*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*lo 6*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is seven then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi 7*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*Lo 7*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is eight then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi 8*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*Lo 8*)
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with myImage in myImages
		if tag of myImage is nine then
			start processing myImage target myTarget13 (*hi 9*)
			start processing myImage target myTarget14 (*lo 9*)
		end if
	end repeat
end tell