Is it possible to get the average of all the integers in a list? I have a list of 256 integers (it’s a histogram from Photoshop), and I’d like to add them all and divide by 256 to get the average.
Is it possible to get the average of all the integers in a list? I have a list of 256 integers (it’s a histogram from Photoshop), and I’d like to add them all and divide by 256 to get the average.
--using Akua Sweets
set histoList to {25, 75, 35, 44, 10, 9, 71, 66, 42, 16, 101}
set akuaAvg to the statistical list average from histoList
--Standard Additions only
set histoList to {25, 75, 35, 44, 10, 9, 71, 66, 42, 16, 101}
set divideBy to the number of items in histoList
set theSum to 0
repeat with thisItem in histoList
set theSum to theSum + (thisItem as integer)
end repeat
set theAverage to round (theSum / divideBy) rounding up --or down, or to nearest
Using Akua Sweets was all I needed. Thanks. 8)