So i made 2 applescript files in Xcode. I want to call a subroutine from script “InformationImage” an two have the value return. This function “nomFichier” is attache to a button in the interface
script InformationImage
on nomFichier_(sender)
set nbDocs to (current application's Routine's initializeNameFile())
display dialog nbDocs
end nomFichier_
end script
Here is the subRoutine in an other script
script Cartouche
on initializeNameFile()
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set listDesDocs to name of every document as list
end tell
log listDesDocs
return listDesDocs
end initializeNameFile:
end script
When i run the app, i have this message
“2016-12-16 17:37:45.074 AppelEntreScript[5108:1673740] *** -[InformationImage nomFichier:]: Routine doesn’t understand the “initializeNameFile” message. (error -1708)”
What is wrong ? Thanks for your help