with timeout of 5 seconds ” just for testing
set theItems to choose from list {"2", "3", "4"} with title "abc"
end timeout
on error
error number -128 --> (error "User canceled." number -128 from «script» to item) as expected,
-- but the choose dialog window is left open.
end try
How can the choose dialog window be dismissed/closed without user input?
I searched this forum (probably not well enough ;)) but found no answer to this. Plenty about timeout error, but nothing about automatic dismissal of the choose dialog upon scripted error # −128.
Please, does anybody have a clever solution, even if to my shame, a well known one?
Well, it is fairly easy to achieve with a dialog, but a dialog has giving up after.
I have never done this with a list box, but I think I know of a way that may work. (This is not something that is easy to work in all situations, then you would have to know how finder is configured in spaces.
The sceheme is as follows.
Tell app “finder” : do everything in a finder tell block, tell it first to activate.
Then: use the code like you have it. within the finder tell block.
When a timeout have occured, then tell app Finder to keystroke esc.
If you can’t make something like that to work, then I really don’t know how.
tell application "Finder"
with timeout of 5 seconds -- just for testing
set theItems to choose from list {"2", "3", "4"} with title "abc"
end timeout
on error
error number -128 --> (error "User canceled." number -128 from «script» to item) as expected,
-- but the choose dialog window is left open.
end try
end tell
with timeout of 5 seconds -- just for testing
set theItems to choose from list {"2", "3", "4"} with title "abc"
end timeout
on error errMsg number errNbr
if errNbr = -1712 then
tell application "System Events" to tell (first application process whose frontmost is true)
key code 53
end tell
end if
end try
No, it doesn’t for me. It’s the same result as in my initial post. I too have an iMac and 10.8.2.
It certainly does the trick but, only if the choose dialog stays the frontmost window.
If the user clicks on another app or finder window, then the dialog is left open. And that is what actually happens. Otherwise the user could simply wait and click on Cancel - and many don’t. That’s why I need a scripting solution.
Maybe, the dialog window needs be called by name, promoted and then closed but, I can’t get the syntax right to get the window “abc”. Can you help please?
set dialogName to "abc"
set theApp to name of current application
with timeout of 5 seconds -- just for testing
set theItems to choose from list {"2", "3", "4"} with title dialogName
end timeout
on error errMsg number errNbr
if errNbr = -1712 then
activate application theApp
tell application "System Events" to tell application process theApp
tell window dialogName
click button 2
end tell
end tell
end if
end try