Can an AppleScript be run through a tunnel?

The title says it all.

For the curious: I have a PowerKey Pro 650, a scriptable, USB-controlled, 6-outlet power bar connected to my dual-core G5. I’d like to be able to control it from my MBP as well, and it’s easy to set up a tunnel from one to the other – I do it when I want to VNC from the laptop to the G5. A VNC session would also accomplish what I want to do from the G5 screen, but I’d rather embed my task in a complete script that established the tunnel and ran a script through it (as opposed to starting one on it), and closed the tunnel.

As I see it, you have two basic approaches to this.

One is to store the script on the server and use another script to connect to the server and launch the script remotely.

The second is to store the script on the client and have it send Remote Apple Events to the process on the server that manages the PowerKey.

Off hand I think the first approach is probably easier - it’s no harder than:

ssh /path/to/remote/script

This will ssh to the server and run the script at /path/to/remote/script. If the PowerKey is AppleScript-based then a few simple osascript commands should suffice.

Thanks, Camelot. I agree that saving a script on the server and starting it remotely is probably more efficient, but sending the script through a tunnel works too:

I establish the ssh tunnel and then add this after the prompt from the other machine:
(where the try/try again method assures it goes – the PowerKey does miss occasionally)

/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT tell application "PowerKey Daemon" try set HP to level of outlet 2 of unit "PKP" on error set HP to level of outlet 2 of unit "PKP" end try if HP = 0 then set HP to 100 else set HP to 0 end if try set level of outlet 2 of unit "PKP" to HP on error set level of outlet 2 of "PKP" to HP end try end tell EOT
et voilá – the printer starts (or stops). Easy enough.