I dont know how the site I’m working with uses cookies, and Im not familar with curl. The site I’m working with is the merchant interface to amazon.com, its basically a tool to let customer merchants (i.e., companies that list products on amazon directly, or use amazon’s web storefront hosting service to run their own ecommerce sites) enter their inventory directly into their database. The real pain with that website, is that the item manager (thats the name of their tool) has dozzens of differnt interfaces, forms, and information pages. However, its all generated by the same piece of JSP code. I have to use 3 different pages on this tool to look up given item, choose the detailed description, then enter data for that item, but since its all the same page, my FormData and encoded URL’s are completely ignored. Nothing I’ve tried has had any effect at all on the open page.
The goal here, by the way, is to save my company the effort of manually entering 50,000 items by hand into this webform. We have all of these items already in our local SQL database, but the amazon site doesn’t have a working method for us to send them a lump of data. If I can get this fully automated, or even partially automated, I can save my data entry department a great deal of time. If I can’t, then they have to do it all by hand, in less than a month I was told that if I could get this working in applescript, the company that makes our database software for us can integrate that script into their code, which can pull data directly out of our database. This means we can put a trained monkey in front of the software, and let them push a button to upload our inventory.
Like I said, I’m not a scripter, I’ve never used applescript before this, so I’m quite willing to believe it can’t do what I need it too. I still have hope for my data entry people, apparently there is a PERL script that amazon wrote to upload flat files right into their database. If I can get ahold of someone there who knows what it is and how to use it, I can get all the data uploaded in one batch, which would be perfect. However, until thats a definite, I have to keep working with the applescript plan. Here is a run down of the steps, with what I know about each step so far:
- log into the site: I can log in once, manually, and the browser rememers my login (evidence of cookies here) for the rest of the day.
- click on the item manager link
- on this page, there is a search form. There is a field in there, labeld searchAsin (the page source has it listed as that field name). I need to drop a value in this field.
- press the search button
- click on the editorial link (this is what they call their detailed description page, its the page that lets me enter all the extra data I need to enter)
- crawl down the detailed form, entering data and checking checkboxes as I go for the given product. I have the source as output by the JSP for this page as well, so I can get field names if I can figure out how to put data in them.
- click the save button
- click on the item manager link, to go back to the search page
- repeat steps 3 - 8 50,000 times.
I’m afraid this is too complicated a task for applescript to deal with, but I’m still very open to suggestions, and I’m very glad for the help you all have already given me
Thanks again,