can Entourage b set 2 automatch FROM: 2 match incoming mail?

I have my Entourage set to check no less than 8 email accounts I have. The issue is that I hate to have to change an account it is coming from in the message window (From: ) as sometimes I forget and send out an email on a personal account that came in on a business account.

So, I was wondering if there is a script that will see what account the email came in as and when you hit Reply, it will automatically select the From: to correspond to that account so that your response account lines up with the account it comes in on and business email will get replies from my business accounts while personal or Hotmail emails will get replies from my personal accounts WITHOUT me having to remeber to select who I am from the From: menu in the message window.

Get the Exchange account for the email whose e-mail address is the same as the to address and then use that to set the account on a new message.

Or maybe X 2004 has this feature built in?

Entourage for X does have this built in. I use it for both POP and IMAP and it uses the corresponding account on replies automatically.

Check your Mail and News Preferences - Reply & Forward Tab.

Make sure Reply using the default account is not checked.


you rock!!! that is the exact answer! thanks a ton, never thought of that.