Can extra alpha channels be found without opening a Photoshop document

Can extra alpha channels be found without opening a Photoshop document?

Not that I can see in Image Events or in Photoshop or Bridge.

Our database backup downloads a corrupt low-res file if the Photoshop file contains any alpha channels. So it would help to find them first before uploading.

Scripts in the following discussions help in identifying/deleting extra channels. They have to be open in Photoshop.

I am just trying to find these channels without opening them.

Any other help would be appreciated.

–Herbert Ripka
Greendale, WI


is this sufficient?

set i to choose file
tell application "Image Events"
	open i
	tell image 1
		set alpha to value of metadata tag "hasAlpha"
	end tell
	close image 1
end tell

The built-in «sips» command can check whether an image has an alpha channel or not:

set imgpath to quoted form of "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Nature/Aurora.jpg"
set output to (do shell script "sips -g hasAlpha " & imgpath)
if output contains "hasAlpha: no" then
	return false
else if output contains "hasAlpha: yes" then
	return true
end if

Thank you very much for your reply!

I am now trying to make a list of those files in a certain folder which contain alpha channels.

I am running an AppleScript where I am getting an error
“Image Events got an error: Can’t make value of metadata tag "hasAlpha" into type reference.”

from this line
set MyAlpha to value of metadata tag “hasAlpha”

  1. What am I missing? Any ideas?
  2. Where in the Image Events AppleScript dictionary is alpha shown? Is alpha channel data under metadata?

–Herb Ripka
Greendale, WI

to MakeList(ProcessFolder)
	tell application "Finder"
		set filelist to (files of entire contents of alias ProcessFolder whose name extension is "tif" as list)
		return filelist
	end tell
end MakeList

to GetDimensions(TheFile)
	tell application "Image Events"
		set MyImage to open alias TheFile
		set MyResolution to resolution of MyImage
		set MyColorspace to color space of MyImage
		set MyAlpha to value of metadata tag "hasAlpha"
		set InfoList to name of MyImage & "    " & MyResolution & "    " & MyColorspace & "    " & MyAlpha & return
		close MyImage
	end tell
	return InfoList
end GetDimensions

set ProcessFolder to (choose folder) as string
set filelist to MakeList(ProcessFolder)

set MyList to ""
repeat with AnItem in filelist as list
	set MyList to MyList & (GetDimensions(AnItem as string))
end repeat

tell application "TextEdit"
	make new document at beginning with properties {text:MyList as Unicode text}
end tell

You forgot the reference to the image like in the lines before

set MyAlpha to value of metadata tag "hasAlpha" of MyImage

or use a tell block

set MyImage to open alias TheFile
tell MyImage
	set MyResolution to resolution
	set MyColorspace to color space
	set MyAlpha to value of metadata tag "hasAlpha"
end tell

Vielen Dank!
Das war sehr dumm von mir!

Many Thanks!
That was very dumb of me!