Can I script Flash MX/2004 to edit MovieClips in +2000 frames?

I’m looking for a solution via Applescript to control Flash. In each frame, (+2000) I need to break apart the and delete the topmost graphic (the masking symbol that’s inside my MC mask on root). It’s crazy to edit each frame’s MC, so I thought someone would know a little something about scripting the Flash app.

Thanks in advance.

I think it maybe faster using JSFL. For example, this works in a simple test fla with x frames, and a movie clip with mask in each one:

Just make a new “Flash JavaScript File” (File > New), save to desktop, close. Open related fla, double click JSFL file.

Anyway, depending on your fla file, you may need slighly variations (eg, select the topmost item if there are various in each frame, etc.). I’d ask better in a JSFL forum. I use this:

Or, if you are an experienced actionscripter, tweak the above and do it yourself (it’s easy!) :smiley:

Much abliged for the solution…works perfectly.


My next challenge is to scale these +2000 mask symbols in each frame.

Would there be a Flash DOM way of getting this to be automated?
