Can this be done?

Daily I perform the same number of routines through Applescripts, Filemaker scripts and Textwrangler-Applescrpts scripts

Each of them works perfectly however is quite time consuming to open and close them one by one and requires my presence in front of my Mac. At times I spent up two hours just clicking once every 10, 15 minutes…
Each operation works perfectly within is own system and my goal is populate Filemaker with data

This is the process:

I download from Safari my students WRK this gives me a series of “webarchive” files in the folder of choice with all contents I need: text, images, short films.

this content needs to be modified with a series af Applescripts (all working) just as such or combined with Safari or TextWrangler-

I’d like to be able to call each of my various working scripts if this can be done through Applescript as the process is always the same the the verious result always save to the same folder and file.

EXMAPLE (is only a text example)

Applescript ONE

Calls Applescript Two and so on

until the end

this will return a proper tab UTF8 file I can import in Filemaker —

As college is beginning I daily deal withover 120 or more safari home work …

Regards and thanks a lot


You can either add something like this to the end of every script, calling the next script…

set scriptTwo to (path to desktop as text) & "test 2.scpt"
display alert "Now running test 2.scpt" giving up after 2
run script file scriptTwo


You can have one script that calls the rest of them like this:

set scriptList to {"test 1.scpt", "test 2.scpt"}

repeat with aScript in scriptList
	set activeScript to (path to desktop as text) & aScript
	display alert "Now running " & aScript giving up after 2
	run script file activeScript
end repeat

Thanks for your help however I had to move the various scripts to the Desktop to get rid of the -1700 (item not found error). As I keep all the scripts in the USER/SCRPTS/CLASSES/FOLDER is there a way to call them without moving them to the Desktop?

IN any case the first script crashed as follows:

run script file “BU:Users:school:Desktop:2-RTDF converter and namer.scpt”
→ error “ditto: /Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links.rtfd Attachments/Users/school/Documents/Graduates_C22/D_Temp/Today/Links/Links: File name too long” number 1

I cannot understand exactly what happened because the script itself works and converts RTDF into TEXT very easily, but called from the script you suggested me it generates these errors

I suppose is a matter of placing the script and the docs some place Applescript recognise. HOw can I change the script to achieve this task?


Does this path work for you?

(path to home folder as text) & "SCRPTS:CLASSES:FOLDER:2-RTDF converter and namer.scpt"

It looks like it called the script properly:

run script file "BU:Users:school:Desktop:2-RTDF converter and namer.scpt"

But your script produced an error:

File name too long

Post the script it called and I will try to troubleshoot it for you.

It is ditto that returns the error not AppleScript. Use xargs for ditto so the files are copied one by one or in sets (size you like).

FWIW: Do you use old Mac OS 9 file systems? Then you should look there, move the file before using ditto, it’s a known bug.

I don’t use ditto, as I don’t really know what it means: I simply changed with their names as kindly suggested in the script by Adyzone. Also I am useing SNow Leopard and my driver follw the most currents Apple specs: GUID and the latest format



There is a section in the script you are calling that will read something like

do shell script "ditto "

It will be easier to troubleshoot your problem if you post the script being called.

OK I can but the various scripts are rather long can I zip them for you to look them up?

Regards and thanks again?

If you can identify the script that is causing errors , then just post that one. If not zip them and upload them someplace or PM me for my email address.