"Can't get application id missing value" if used in compiled from

Here is a simple script to quit all the open apps.

-- Application bundle identifiers can be obtained using osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
property white_list : {"com.apple.finder"}

tell application "System Events"
    set bundleIDs to bundle identifier of processes whose background only is false
end tell

repeat with theID in bundleIDs
    if theID is not in white_list then tell application id theID to quit
end repeat

When I use it compiled as application, using

osacompile -o to.app from.applescript

there is an error:

Screenshot 2025-03-20 at 6.51.26 PM

What might be wrong here?

instead of telling the app id to quit, I had it show me an alert so I could see what it was getting.

For some reason I would intermittently get ā€œmsngā€ as one of the bundle identifiers.
Like soā€¦

-- Application bundle identifiers can be obtained using osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
property white_list : {"com.apple.finder"}

tell application "System Events"
	set bundleIDs to bundle identifier of processes whose background only is false
end tell

repeat with theID in bundleIDs
	if theID is not in white_list then
		--tell application id theID to quit
		display alert theID
	end if
end repeat

So I added ā€œmsngā€ to the white_list like soā€¦

-- Application bundle identifiers can be obtained using osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
property white_list : {"com.apple.finder", missing value}

tell application "System Events"
	set bundleIDs to bundle identifier of processes whose background only is false
end tell

repeat with theID in bundleIDs
	if theID is not in white_list then tell application id theID to quit
end repeat

Just figured out ā€˜msngā€™ is ā€˜missing valueā€™

Here is the script fixed to avoid this bugā€¦

-- Application bundle identifiers can be obtained using osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
property white_list : {"com.apple.finder"}

local theID, bundleIDs
tell application "System Events"
	set bundleIDs to bundle identifier of processes whose background only is false
end tell

repeat with theID in bundleIDs
	if class of theID is text then
		if theID is not in white_list then tell application id theID to quit
	end if
end repeat
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Robert, hello, thanks but do you understand why this happens? Is it common for a script to stop working after compilation?

Itā€™s a bug.
The line to get the Bundle IDs is creating a list from running processes. I believe the script (running as a compiled app) is itself returning a blank(i.e. missing value) .

So my script above traps for that

** EDIT** i figured it out. You named the script ā€˜from.applescriptā€™ and the compiled app ā€˜to.appā€™. It is the to.app that is the problem. Apple doesnā€™t;t like the app name being ā€˜toā€™.
I changed it to ā€˜todoā€™ and everything worked fine and no ā€˜missing valueā€™. The last item returned is ā€˜todoā€™.

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Regarding your edit: No, the name to is simply what I used to post the question. On my MacBook, the input file was quit-all.applescript and the outfile was quit-all.app.

I just tried to compile the same input file to:

  • quit-all.app (once again, just in case)
  • quitall.app
  • quit.app
  • qui.app
  • qu.app
  • q.app
  • todo.app

And no matter of the name of the outfile file, the error persists. macOS 15.3.2. Are you sure it worked because of renaming and not because of something different?

* * *

As a workaround, I tried to create an executable shell script instead:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
osascript quit-all-apps.applescript

but whereas it works if I simply double-click the file or start it from Terminal, it doesnā€™t work if pinnned on Finder toolbar, for some reason:

Screenshot 2025-03-21 at 2.16.59 AM

There are no error windows, but the Terminal window is opened and then quickly closed.

Did you try my last script?
Also have you tried to make it into an app using ā€˜Script Editorā€™

Is the application running in the background, or does it also get added to the quit list?

I did some testing and Iā€™m pretty sure I know what is causing this issue.

The line of John202307ā€™s app that begins with set bundleIDs... finds the AppleScript app as a process and returns missing value for that process because the app does not have a bundle identifier. Then, the line that begins with if theID is... is unable to quit missing value and reports an error.

There are a number of ways to fix this:

  • As Robert suggests, include missing value (the AppleScript constant not quoted text) in the whitelist.
  • Save or resave the app with Script Debugger with a bundle identifier and include that bundle identifier in the whitelist (see screenshot below).
  • Save or resave the app with Script Debugger with the Applet is background only option enabled (see screenshot below):

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Did you try my last script?

Yes, your last script works for me, thanks! :slight_smile: macOS 15.3.2, the script ā€” that is, the app ā€” works from Finder as well as from the Finder toolbar.

Have you tried to make it into an app using ā€˜Script Editorā€™

Yes, this method works as well! Good to know. That is, if compiling with Script Editor, I can use my original script.

* * *

Regarding the filename: Iā€™m not sure I understand you correctly, but if you mean that I can simply take my original script, compile it using osacompile to an app with a filename e.g. todo.app and this will be enough to make it work without having the error window, this doesnā€™t work. By using these steps, I wasnā€™t able to get rid of the error window.

Is the application running in the background, or does it also get added to the quit list?

Iā€™m not sure. Itā€™s just a file which Iā€™m going to pin on the Finder toolbar or probably better on the Dock and then click from time to time.

@robertfern Maybe you could suggest how to modify your version so that it will quit only the apps that donā€™t have open windows?

Update: Nevermind, I figured it out.

property white_list : {"com.apple.finder", "com.apple.Terminal"}

tell application "System Events"
  set appProcesses to processes whose background only is false
end tell

repeat with appProcess in appProcesses
    set theID to bundle identifier of appProcess
    if theID is not in white_list then
      tell application "System Events" to set winCount to (count of windows of appProcess)
      if winCount is 0 then tell application id theID to quit
    end if
  end try
end repeat

FWIW, a while back I looked at various AppleScripts that quit the active apps. I decided to use a variant of a script written by Shane, and Iā€™ve included that below. I tested this script as an AppleScript app run by way of an icon in a Finder window toolbar, and it worked fine.

Itā€™s important to note that this script uses two frameworks, which take 350 milliseconds to load on my Sequoia computer. However, I run this script by way of FastScripts, which preloads both of these frameworks, so this requirement is not an issue for me. Also, these frameworks, once loaded, tend to stay in memory, so this requirement would not be an issue in this circumstance either.

use framework "AppKit"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on main()
	set doNotQuit to {"Finder", "Script Editor", "Script Debugger"} --edit as desired but must include Finder
	set theApps to current application's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()'s runningApplications()
	set thePredicate to current application's NSPredicate's predicateWithFormat:"activationPolicy == 0 AND NOT (localizedName IN %@)" argumentArray:{doNotQuit}
	set theApps to theApps's filteredArrayUsingPredicate:thePredicate
	repeat with anApp in theApps
		anApp's terminate()
	end repeat
	--tell application "Finder" to close every window --enable if desired
end main

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Do you know what the NSWorkspace and NSPredicate lines are used for? And/Or maybe you have a link to the original topic?

Or maybe a better question: Could you explain why this script uses frameworks? What benefits do they provide here?

john202307. The NSWorkspace line creates an array (aka list) of all running applications. The NSPredicate line creates a filter which is somewhat analogous to an AppleScript whose clause. Thus, for example, both might be used to remove from an array or list all files that do not have a particular name extension. The benefits of an NSPredicate filter are that it is very fast and the filters can be quite elaborate.

My implementation of Shaneā€™s script is written in AppleScript Objective-C. The use framework "Foundation" statement tells the script that commands and other statements in this framework are going to be used, while a tell application "Finder" statement directs the script to look in the AppleScript Finder class for the commands and other statements that follow.

Iā€™ve been using that script for a long time, and, unfortunately, I donā€™t have a link to the original topic.

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Your script works incredibly well, and is amazingly fast, thank you for posting it.

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Weird, I tried it as an application, but nothing happens. What might be wrong?

Do I need to install use framework AppKit and Foundation?

I saved it as an application in Script Debugger and it works fine.

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The only thing that would make this script perfect, is if it had the open applications ā€œaskā€ to save any changes. As I have no idea if that would be a lot of effort, or a few minor changes/additions, thought Iā€™d ask.

I just saved copies of the script as an app to my Desktop with Script Editor and then Script Debugger. In both instances, double-clicking on the app closed all open apps (except those in the doNotQuit list). The script doesnā€™t require that anything be installed. The only issue might be if you have a really, really ancient version of macOS. Or, perhaps thereā€™s some Privacy & Security setting that preventing the script from executing, but if thatā€™s the case there should be an error. Thatā€™s odd.

Homer712. The script will either automatically save or prompt to save an appā€™s unsaved work depending on your macOS settings. That Iā€™m aware of, itā€™s not possible for the script to change the macOS setting. BTW, Iā€™ve been using this script for several years and have never once lost any unsaved work.