THis happens wen i drag and drop a file…
on open {dropped_item}
set the inputfile to the dropped_item as string
if get_audio_usable(inputfile) then
error_out("--011", "Bad or Un-supported file type.")
end if
end open
the one method i belive to be the problem
on get_audio_usable(file_path)
tell application "System Events" to set type_identifier to (get the type identifier of file_path)
tell application "System Events" to set type_extension to (get the name extension of file_path)
set type_identifier to type_identifier as string
set type_extension to type_extension as string
set type_keywords to {"audio", "mp3", "aac", "aif", "aiff", "aifc
", "wav", "m4a", "au", "midi", "mid", "mp4", "wma"}
repeat with keyword in type_keywords
set keyword to keyword as string
if keyword is equal to type_identifier then
set bob to 1
exit repeat
else if keyword is equal to type_extension then
set bob to 1
exit repeat
set bob to 0
end if
end repeat
if bob is equal to 1 then
return true
return false
end if
end get_audio_usable
Any ideas?