I have created a matrix of check boxes. I set the mode to highlight so that I can use these buttons as a checklist. These buttons will be enabled/disabled, checked/unchecked by the program. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get this to work. I would like these buttons to work much the same way as Apple’s installer program. There will be no user interaction with these buttons (other than as a visual reference as to the progress of the program). I have named the matrix object and each of the individual buttons within the matrix.
For testing purposes, I attached a ‘on clicked’ handler to the matrix and I am able to get the current cell, current row, name and enabled properties of the buttons. I just can’t set them. I’ve spent half a day trying to figure this out :x
I’m not sure if this is what you’re talking about but you can take a look at this quick little project I just whipped up: Installerish.hqx. It uses a matrix of radio buttons to delineate the progress of some routine. I don’t love it because it enables the radio buttons and thus makes them modifiable by the user. Keeping the disabled doesn’t look right either. As an alternate, I’ve also used a series of text fields and modify their text color to get a similar effect but without any chance of user interaction.
I never thought about modifying the color of text fields. Good idea. I see what I was doing wrong in my attempts: I was not access the ‘cell.’ I was access the ‘current cell,’ the 'current row, ‘item x of,’ everything BUT the ‘cell.’
Yep, think outside the matrix! Glad it helped. I just did a little tinkering with the project to add some more to the alternate text fields: Installerish.hqx.