I gotta be honest i’m really struggling with this ASOC stuff.
Anyhow my problem is how do i get my application to quit, I think i need the terminate command but its not working for me.
So then i picked up something from a post on here where i can use “applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed”
but it only works when i close the window manually i can’t implement a “close” or a “performClose” before the
“applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed” kicks in.
What i’m trying to do is the simplest of things:
Drop a folder on the app— Sorted that Part
A window opens with a process bar (just the barber pole effect)— Sorted that Part
I have a collate script which removes duplicates and a few other bits and bats etc. Sorted That Part
When it finishes the app quits window with progress bar is gone— Just can’t get it to work and have run out of ideas