
tell application "Finder"
  --set disk_table to ""
  repeat with one_disk in disks
    set disk_name to contents of one_disk
    set disk_capacity to capacity of (contents of one_disk)
    set disk_table to disk_table & disk_name & "  " & disk_capacity & return
  end repeat
end tell
(* outputCodex  2.096529408E+9Operator  7.86333696E+8Programs  2.62119424E+9Pristine  5.24214272E+8Shared  6.95192064E+8Curio  2.62119424E+9*)
tell application "Finder"
  set name_list to (name of every disk whose capacity is less than 695192064)
  -- less than the capacity of disk Shared
end tell
(* output{"Codex", "Operator"}*)

Oops. It should be {“Pristine”}Or: there is something I don’t understand.
What is it?