I am wondering if it is possible, using applescript to capture an are of the screen by inputting the four corner co-ordinates…
alternatively- how to crop a full screen capture…
i tried this :
tell application "Transmission"
set the bounds of the first window to {3, 22, 705, 539}
end tell
do shell script "screencapture /Library/Scripts/CUSTOM/Transmission_stats.pdf"
tell application "Finder"
set theImage to "screencapture/Library/scripts/CUSTOM/Transmission_stats.pdf"
end tell
tell application "Image Events"
set theImageReference to open theImage
crop theImage to dimensions {480, 320}
end tell
The code below works for me. Of course you will have to adjust the path value to your requirements:
set pdfpath to "/Users/martin/Desktop/test.pdf"
set qtdpdfpath to quoted form of pdfpath
do shell script "screencapture -t pdf -x " & qtdpdfpath
do shell script "sips -c 480 320 " & qtdpdfpath & " --out " & qtdpdfpath
You can work with JPG right from the beginning. Just change the name extension and format used for screencapture accordingly (pdf, jpg, tiff & png):
set pdfpath to "/Users/martin/Desktop/test.jpg"
set qtdpdfpath to quoted form of pdfpath
do shell script "screencapture -t jpg -x " & qtdpdfpath
do shell script "sips -c 480 320 " & qtdpdfpath & " --out " & qtdpdfpath
ah, of course…sorry bit slow today apparently, thanks.
Is there a ‘solved’ button on these forums?
also - for the curious I was doing this script:
tell application "Transmission"
set the bounds of the first window to {419, 288, 1121, 805}
end tell
set jpgpath to "/Library/Scripts/CUSTOM/Transmission_stats.jpg"
set qtdjpgpath to quoted form of jpgpath
do shell script "screencapture -t jpg -x " & qtdjpgpath
do shell script "sips -c 250 500 " & qtdjpgpath & " --out " & qtdjpgpath
tell application "Transmission"
get the bounds of the first window
end tell
So now i am able to run this script remotely (via iphone web app - telekinesis) then open up the image (which is now conveniently placed on the screen I ran the script from) and check up on my torrents.