Casting string to a number crashes script

I am trying to strip a string of its leading numbers but when I cast a character to a number the script crashes:

Here’s the relevant part of my code:

	set arrCharacters to every character of strTitle
	set strNewTitle to ""
	set bIsANumber to true
	repeat with idx from 1 to count of every item of arrCharacters
		set thisChar to item idx of arrCharacters as string
		set bIsANumber to isANumber(item idx of arrCharacters as text)
	end repeat
	if bIsANumber is equal to false then
		set newTitle to text items idx thru (count of every item of arrCharacters) as string
	end if
on error errMsg
	log errMsg
end try

and the function to check if a char is a number:

on isANumber(strChar)
	set aNumber to true
		set numCheck to strChar as number
	on error
		set aNumber to false
	end try
	return aNumber
end isANumber

Hi Stefan.

You need to put the bIsANumber number check inside the repeat so that you can stop repeating when the result’s false. Also, you may have intended strNewTitle and newTitle to be the same variable.

set strTitle to "12345ABCDE"

set strTitleLength to (count strTitle)
set arrCharacters to every character of strTitle
set newTitle to ""
set bIsANumber to true
repeat with idx from 1 to strTitleLength
	set thisChar to item idx of arrCharacters
	set bIsANumber to isANumber(thisChar)
	if bIsANumber is equal to false then
		set newTitle to text idx thru strTitleLength of strTitle
		exit repeat
	end if
end repeat
return newTitle

on isANumber(strChar)
	set aNumber to true
		set numCheck to strChar as number
	on error
		set aNumber to false
	end try
	return aNumber
end isANumber

Stefan. The following script takes a slightly different approach. The script includes error handling, which will not be necessary if the error conditions cannot occur.

--an error dialog is displayed if the strTitle variable is empty or contains numbers only

set strTitle to "12345ABCDE"

	set newTitle to trimLeadingNumbers(strTitle) -->"ABCDE"
on error
	display dialog "The trim numbers handler returned an error" buttons {"OK"} cancel button 1 default button 1
end try

on trimLeadingNumbers(theText)
	repeat until text 1 of theText is not in "1234567890"
		set theText to text 2 thru -1 of theText
	end repeat
	return theText
end trimLeadingNumbers

Hey thanks, that’s clever, still curious as to what is causing the crash. Did my code look clean to you?

Hi Nigel - long time fan - I initially tried it that way and it was crashing. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow and let you know - also picked up the errant var name but forgot to update the question. Thanks for reviewing it.

Hi Stefan.

Looking more closely at your original code, I see this is probably because you didn’t specify what the text items belonged to. So …

set newTitle to text items idx thru (count of every item of arrCharacters) as string
	end if

… should have been …

set newTitle to (text items idx thru (count of every item of arrCharacters) of arrCharacters) as string

… except that text items is more correctly used to extract sections of a single text that come between instances of AppleScript’s current text item delimiter(s):

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"is"}
set myText to "This is some text"
return myText's text items --> {"Th", " ", " some text"}

And people often forget that when a list is coerced to text, the first item in the current delimiter list is spliced between the items in the coerced list:

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"is"}
set myList to characters of "This is some text"
return myList as text --> "Tishisiissis isiissis issisoismiseis istiseisxist"