Hi, i’ve been looking all over the internet to see if this is possible, to start with, i don’t really know anything about AppleScript, the only coding i ever learnt was ActionScript 3 for Flash.
I just want to know if it’s possible to change the date on your computer using AppleScript???
On Windows there is a program called ‘RunAsDate’ where you can run a program at a set date, well that’s what i want to do with Applescript. Using Automator I was going to run the script and then make it open the program rather than me having to change the date everytime i open it.
So all in all, i just want to know if it’s possible to set the date on your Mac with AppleScript?
(i did play around with different combination’s, and besides getting lots of error, in the end i got a message saying ‘Access Not Allowed’, are you just not able to do this?)
Any help is greatly appreciated.