This is an abbreviated part of a longer script, which at one stage, has to delete a selection of files and/or folders directly, bypassing the Trash.
The problem is that the password dialog box opened by the shell command is not focused and the cursor is left wherever it was. One user managed to type his password in a file name :o
tell application "Finder"
set DeleteNow to selection as alias list
if (count DeleteNow) = 0 then
display dialog "There is nothing selected to delete now."
error number -128
end if
set ShowList to {}
repeat with i in DeleteNow
copy i's name to the end of ShowList
end repeat
choose from list ShowList with prompt "This is your selection." & return & "Cancel if the list is incorrect or¬
you changed your mind." with title "** DELETE NOW, WITHOUT UNDO **" with empty selection allowed
if result is false then error number -128
repeat with i in DeleteNow
set path_i to quoted form of POSIX path of i as string
-- ====================================================================================
-- How can I change the focus to the password dialog box opened by the following command?
-- ====================================================================================
do shell script "rm -rf " & path_i with administrator privileges
end repeat
on error errMsg
display dialog errMsg with title "Errors during delete attempts" with icon stop
end try
end tell
How can I change the focus to the password dialog box, with the cursor in the password field, ready to accept typing?
This simple solution occurred to me after a good nigh sleep
Enclose the actual delete try block within a “tell current application to activate” block:
tell current application
-- try block
do shell script "rm -rf " & path_i with administrator privileges
-- end try
end tell
This is the amended original script:
tell application "Finder"
set DeleteNow to selection as alias list
if (count DeleteNow) = 0 then
display dialog "There is nothing selected to delete now."
error number -128
end if
set ShowList to {}
repeat with i in DeleteNow
copy i's name to the end of ShowList
end repeat
choose from list ShowList with prompt "This is your selection." & return & "Cancel if the list is incorrect or¬
you changed your mind." with title "** DELETE NOW, WITHOUT UNDO **" with empty selection allowed
if result is false then error number -128
tell current application -- This block will change the focus to the password dialog box.
repeat with i in DeleteNow
set path_i to quoted form of POSIX path of i as string
do shell script "rm -rf " & path_i with administrator privileges
end repeat
on error errMsg
display dialog errMsg with title "Errors during delete attempts" with icon stop
end try
end tell
end tell
However I can’t get it to work in the 10.10 (Public Beta 4).
It seems like it should be possible as the BBedit Authenticated Save helper script (for the MAS version) still gets focus fine in 10.10. But they’re calling the script form a signed app.Does anyone have a solution that works in Yosemite?
A non-password dialog gets focus and it it proceeds the password dialog, that dialog will get focus as well. I currently using a dialog with 1 second timeout (couldn’t make it shorter) as a workaround.
tell current application
display dialog "Trying to get focus." with title "Can't focus in Yosemite" buttons {"Cancel", "Idle"} cancel button "Cancel" giving up after (1)
set output to (do shell script "printf '" & hostsLine & commentString & "' >> /etc/hosts" with administrator privileges)
end tell