I have been trying to change the orientation of text in an excel cell. Not a problem to change vertical to top center or horizontal left right etc But to go from horizontal to vertical has me stumped. Any suggestions appreciated particularly if it’s not possible.
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14
Simply something like that:
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell active workbook to tell active sheet to tell cell "A1"
set text orientation to -22 -- degrees (can be integer from -90 to 90)
-- or
-- set text orientation to orientation vertical -- (can be 1 of 4 predefined constants like this):
-- (orientation vertical; orientation horizontal; orientation upward; orientation downward)
end tell
end tell
My apologies in taking so long to acknowledge your solution and thank you for taking the time. I had taken to creating templates to solve the issue this is far better.