Changes to the Shortcuts App in Sequoia

I just upgraded to Sequoia, and a summary of changes to the Shortcuts app can be found here. Probably the most significant change is that the if action now supports evaluating multiple conditions. A nice change to the editor is the removal of the Favorites category (which was never that useful) and replacing it with the ability to pin desired actions. It’s good to see that the Shortcuts app is being improved.

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Two helpful regex actions have recently been added to the Shortcuts app on my Sequoia computer.

Get Group from Matched Text. Gets the text that matched a particular capture group or all of the capture groups from the output of a Match Text action.

Trim Whitespace. Removes whitespace and newlines from both ends of the text passed into the action

If these actions are not available when a shortcut is run, the user apparently can update the shortcuts by way of the Shortcuts app editor, although I’ve never actually done this.

The following is the Trim Whitespace shortcut:

RegEx Example One.shortcut (21.8 KB)