Is this possible? I thought this could be scripted as any other menu option, but I can’t figure it out for the life of me. Which tags would I use to change the color of a files label (or add a label if none exists) when it is added to a folder? I have searched through the Finder Dictionary, and the closest I come is I believe the label_index tag; but I keep thinking there shoud be a color_index tag. Any help?
label indexes are the same as color indexes since each label has a specific color:
on adding items to this_folder after receiving these_files
tell application "Finder"
set label index of these_files to 3
end tell
end adding items to
Thank you so much! I know what I was doing wrong; I was trying to call it by the color. I didn’t even think of trying the number! Thank you.
That’s where the dictionary comes in handy:
label index integer – (inherited from the “item” class) the label of the item
Well, it almost worked. I used the above code, but right away had to change “Items” to “Folder Items” so it would compile, but then after attaching to a folder and adding files, still nothing. I tried all I can think of, but I’m still new to this. The dictionary helps, but not really. I list lot’s tags, but offers no examples of how they would be seen in a script or implemented. Maybe I just expect too much from it being a newbie and all.