Check for a empty string in a List

I have two questions involving lists.

  1. How do I check if a list has an empty string? For e.g. the following piece of code is supposed to
    just display Honda and Audi, but it displays the empty string as well.

property theList : {"", "Honda", "Audi"} 
repeat with theCar in theList
	if theCar is not equal to "" then
		display dialog theCar
	end if
end repeat
  1. If I know the string within a List, is there a way to fetch its index in the list?
    For Eg, If I have the string “Audi”, is there a way to fetch its index(which is 3) in the list “theList”

got it :smiley:

If you got it, it would also be nice for others that you post the solution. So for other readers,

Answer 1: Variable theCar is an reference to an list item and not it’s contents. The statement should look like this.

contents of theCar is not ""

Answer 2: If you want to get the index, don’t use an iterator but a normal repeat-with-from-to loop. Like

set theList to {"", "Audi", "Honda", "BMW", "Mercedes"}

indexOfItem("bmw", theList) --returns: 4

on indexOfItem(theItem, theList)
	repeat with x from 1 to count theList
		if item x of theList = theItem then
			return x
		end if
	end repeat
	return null
end indexOfItem

Thanks for the reply, DJ Bazzie Wazzie

Here is how I got it to work:

Answer 1:

 if theCar as string is not equal to "" then

Answer 2: followed the same approach