I need to loop through a whole lot od d/b records and check if a file (path) is valid and flag if not. I’ve got 2 working methods…
1 Finder
if not my TestPreviewPath(preview_path) then
tell record id aRecord
set value of field "Keywords" to "MISSING_PREVIEW"
end tell
end if
on TestPreviewPath(thePath)
tell application "Finder"
if (thePath exists) then
set the theCheck to true
set theCheck to false
end if
return theCheck
end tell
end TestPreviewPath
- shell
-- snippet
if my TestPOSIXPreviewPath(preview_path) = "false" then
tell record id aRecord
set value of field "Keywords" to "MISSING_PREVIEW"
end tell
end if
on TestPOSIXPreviewPath(thePath)
set theReply to (do shell script "[ -e '" & thePath & "' ] && echo true || echo false ")
return theReply
end TestPOSIXPreviewPath
I’m assuming the shell is likely faster, or doesn’t it make a difference. Might I do this more efficiently?