Is there a way to force the choose from list window to be a certain x,y,x2,y2 boundary?
thank you.
Is there a way to force the choose from list window to be a certain x,y,x2,y2 boundary?
thank you.
I know this is simple but I’m not getting it to work. Never used choose from list before. So what I need is for example if HR PDF is chosen then the pdf preset is PressQuality_Crops or if LR PDF is chosen then [Smallest File Size] etc. I’m getting n error:
error “Can’t get theUr_choice of {"HR PDF", "HR Layers PDF", "LR PDF", "LR Layers"}.” number -1728 from theUr_choice of {“HR PDF”, “HR Layers PDF”, “LR PDF”, “LR Layers”}
set the_choice to {"HR PDF", "HR Layers PDF", "LR PDF", "LR Layers"}
set theUr_choice to choose from list the_choice with prompt "What type of PDF you need?" default items {"HR PDF"}
if theUr_choice is false then
error number -128 (* user canceled *)
else if theUr_choice of the_choice is "HR PDF" then
set myPDFpreset to "PressQuality_Crops"
else if theUr_choice of the_choice is "HR Layers PDF" then
set myPDFpreset to "PressQuality_LAYERS"
else if theUr_choice of the_choice is "LR PDF" then
set myPDFpreset to "[Smallest File Size]"
else if theUr_choice of the_choice is "LR PDF Layers" then
set myPDFpreset to "[Smallest File Size]"
end if
Model: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: macOS 10.14
Apart from when it returns false, choose from list returns a list of the selected item(s). So once you’ve checked for false, you need to check item 1 of theUr_choice.
Perfecto! Thank you Nigel
Model: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: macOS 10.14