I am trying to write a handler which will wait for page to load using both chrome loading property and javascript. If the page exceeds maxWaitSeconds, I want to refresh the page and have the handler call itself again, limiting the refresh attempts to three times. After third attempt fails, return an error.
Thanks for the fresh eyes/brain!
on waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds)
set startTime to (current date)
delay 0.5
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell window 1 to tell active tab
set tryCount to 0
repeat until not loading
delay 0.2
set tryCount to tryCount + 1
if tryCount mod 5 = 0 then
set nowTime to (current date)
if nowTime - startTime ≥ maxWaitSeconds then
set currentUrl to URL
error "Page took to long to load"
end if
end if
end repeat
set readyState to execute javascript "document.readyState"
if readyState = "complete" then exit repeat
log readyState
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end waitForPageLoad
I don’t know how to tell Chrome to refresh the page, but for the recursion, the idea would be for the handler to have a countdown parameter. Pass the value 3 on the initial call. If the page hasn’t loaded within the time limit, the handler should decrement the countdown and call itself with the new value ” unless the value would be below 1, in which case the error should be thrown instead.
on waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown)
set startTime to (current date)
delay 0.5
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell window 1 to tell active tab
set tryCount to 0
repeat until not loading
delay 0.2
set tryCount to tryCount + 1
if tryCount mod 5 = 0 then
set nowTime to (current date)
if nowTime - startTime ≥ maxWaitSeconds then
if (tryCountdown > 1) then
-- Do refresh action here, then:
my waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown - 1)
set currentUrl to URL
error "Page took too long to load"
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
set readyState to execute javascript "document.readyState"
if readyState = "complete" then exit repeat
log readyState
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end waitForPageLoad
Hi Nigel. Thanks.
I had added the tryCount to avoid script having to do date math every .2 seconds. However, it still has to go the incrementing tryCount and evaluating tryCount mod 5. Do you think it makes more sense to simply use the second script below?
on waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown)
set {longDelay, shortDelay} to {0.5, 0.2}
set startTime to (current date)
delay longDelay
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell window 1 to tell active tab
set currentUrl to URL
set tryCount to 0
repeat until not loading
delay shortDelay
set tryCount to tryCount + 1
if tryCount mod 5 = 0 then
set nowTime to (current date)
if nowTime - startTime ≥ maxWaitSeconds then
if (tryCountdown > 1) then
set URL to currentUrl
my waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown - 1)
error "Page took too long to load"
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
set readyState to execute javascript "document.readyState"
if readyState = "complete" then exit repeat
log readyState
delay longDelay
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end waitForPageLoad
on waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown)
set {longDelay, shortDelay} to {0.5, 0.2}
set startTime to (current date)
delay longDelay
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell window 1 to tell active tab
set currentUrl to URL
repeat until not loading
delay shortDelay
set nowTime to (current date)
if nowTime - startTime ≥ maxWaitSeconds then
if (tryCountdown > 1) then
set URL to currentUrl
my waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown - 1)
error "Page took too long to load"
end if
end if
end repeat
set readyState to execute javascript "document.readyState"
if readyState = "complete" then exit repeat
log readyState
delay longDelay
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end waitForPageLoad
Hi John.
Another way to handle the elapsed times would be simply to augment a variable by the lengths of the delays. The inaccuracy probably wouldn’t be any worse than using ‘current date’.
on waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown)
set {longDelay, shortDelay} to {0.5, 0.2}
delay longDelay
set elapsedTime to longDelay
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell window 1 to tell active tab
set currentUrl to URL
repeat until not loading
delay shortDelay
set elapsedTime to elapsedTime + shortDelay
if (elapsedTime ≥ maxWaitSeconds) then
if (tryCountdown > 1) then
set URL to currentUrl
my waitForPageLoad(maxWaitSeconds, tryCountdown - 1)
error "Page took too long to load"
end if
end if
end repeat
set readyState to execute javascript "document.readyState"
if readyState = "complete" then exit repeat
log readyState
delay longDelay
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end waitForPageLoad