Once a file has been loaded (by a drag and drop
over a NSimageview container, how do I delete the file
from the program’s memory to prepare the
program for a new file. To date the first file dropped
stays in the program’s memory until I quit the program.
Thanks -please email help in addition to posting here.
Two things: 1, this should be in the AppleScript Studio forum and, 2, it’s kind of bad form to ask someone to both respond here and reply to you via email, especially when the board provides a mechanism for you to be notified via email whenever anyone posts a response to your thread (check the “Notify me when a reply is posted” box when you submit a message).
All that said, why do you need to clear the file? When you drop a new file, your code should just reinitialize whatever value you had assigned to the first file to the new file. To what are you assigning the audio value?