click a button and choose a sub menu item


I would like to be able to click a button and increment the size of text in a text view.
I tried to have the button choose menu item bigger cmnd + and also to change the font size directly to no avail.
I searched extensively and I could not resolve it
The closest I came was:

  tell notFiled to setFont_(current application's NSFont's fontWithName_size_("Menlo", 14))
       setFont_(current application's NSFont's fontWithName_size_("Menlo", 14))

but I could not implement it for size only.
I need a command for getting the size of the font and one for making the change.
I created on changeFontSize_(sender) in script AppDelegate and I think the code could go in there.
I created a property changeFontSize : missing value and I bound the button to appDelegate controller choosing changeFontSize.
Is this OK?

You can simulate clicking the Font Bigger menu item with the following method. In this example fontMan is the IBOutlet to the font manager, and “bigger” is the IBOutlet to the menu item “Bigger” under the Format -->Font menu:

on buttonClick_(sender)
        fontMan's modifyFont_(bigger)


Hi rdelmar,

Thanks for your help.

I made it work