This Applescript returns coordinates of a specific UI element. Is there anyway to write another line of Applescript to use the returned coordinates for a mouse click? I know I could code to always click at the current location {944.5, 844.0}, but the UI may move around and the UI element my change locations. So the idea is to use the UI element ID to get the coordinates every time I launch the script, and then click.
tell application “System Events”
tell process “DaVinci Resolve”
tell checkbox 13 of group 1 of window “DaVinci Resolve by Blackmagic Design - 17.0.0” of application process “Resolve” of application “System Events”
set p to position
set s to size
end tell
end tell
end tell
set xCoordinate to (item 1 of p) + (item 1 of s) / 2
set yCoordinate to (item 2 of p) + (item 2 of s) / 2
return {xCoordinate, yCoordinate}
Result: {944.5, 844.0}
I’m using Keyboard Maestro to accomplish the last step now: